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The IVF, Surrogacy & Fertility Blog


Surrogacy has always been a controversial topic in the legal and court talks. Some of the countries have banned this procedure in above-board and outlaw this method. On the other hand, there are some countries, which do not have any objection regarding the surrogacy procedure and allow the international patients as well.

Surrogacy in Mexico is regulated by some specific states – just like in the US. Only two Mexican regions allow the surrogacy (with some terms and condition) in their legal system, and these territories are –

  1. Tabasco
  2. Sinaloa

In Tabasco, surrogacy is permitted when the couple is heterosexual and they want to go for altruistic surrogacy to have their baby. The couple must be married and live together.

In Sinaloa also, the surrogacy is allowed for the heterosexual as long as the couple experiences medical disability.

Usually, Mexican citizens choose the United States for their surrogacy because of a smooth and manageable surrogacy laws and legal aspects.

Legal aspects of Surrogacy in Mexico –

Lawmakers in the southern state’s Congress voted 21 to nine in favor of the restrictions earlier this week. Surrogacy is now only available for heterosexual Mexican couples. Additionally, the woman must be between 25 and 40 years old and be able to prove that she is not medically able to have children of her own. They must also have medical insurance to cover the costs associated with the surrogate’s pregnancy, delivery and post-natal care.

Tabasco is the only state in Mexico to allow any form of surrogacy. However, as in the UK, such agreements must be strictly non-commercial. As a result, the state was a popular destination for gay people who were aspiring parents and couples from overseas. It was seen as a cheaper alternative to the United States, where costs could be as high as $150,000 (around £100,000).

The procedure and legal features of Surrogacy in Mexico had been many times come in the hot topic amongst the people. Several controversies have been reported in Mexico that the centres of surrogacy are running illegally, unlicensed surrogacy clinics and fertility specialists, many of the baby factories were also found, where the surrogates were kept until she delivers the baby and more. However, now the surrogacy law in Mexico is clear and strict too.

Today, a couple can only think for their Surrogacy in Mexico when they are married and have been living together, the woman’s age must fall in the group of 25 to 40 and can prove that she is unable to deliver baby, thus seeking surrogacy to have own child. International couples cannot come down to Mexico for their surrogacy because Mexico doesn’t permit the couples outside of the country. Gay couples, single father and single mother surrogacy are completely banned here and illegal. Last month, the Indian government announced a ban on commercial surrogacy arrangements involving foreign couples.


Who we are –

We are one of the leading IVF and surrogacy providers across the world with a low-cost procedure. We Care IVF Surrogacy has been running at its peak for the past few years providing full satisfaction to the patient in their procedure of surrogacy or IVF treatment. We do have special and advanced techniques that give the best result and high success rate in the couple’s case.

If you are outlining for the Surrogacy in Mexico, then you can easily go for it, only you should be –

  • Heterosexual couple
  • A citizen of Mexico
  • Must be living together
  • Must have a medical certificate that shows your fertility disability
  • Surrogacy program only be accomplished in Tabasco

Surrogacy is one of the forms of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) in which a surrogate mother carries a baby for another couple with the main motto of giving the newborn to the intended couple. We Care IVF Surrogacy has a range of sources to lend a hand to the couple who are looking for the best surrogacy procedure. But there are many individuals who have myths about the surrogacy process and thus some individuals instead of choosing for surrogacy, they go for adoption. Adoption is not at all a worrisome procedure, but why not to try your own baby with the last option – Surrogacy. Surrogacy is useful for those couples, where the uterus of a woman is not receptive for the embryo implantation and experiencing repeated miscarriages. Yes, surrogacy can be useful at that time, when the couple has already tried IVF and major fertility treatment but didn’t work. During this article, a reader will get to know about some facts and myths associated to surrogacy treatment.

Before trying anything there are some of the myths that can easily blow out mind but still there are some of the wrong myths that can easily create the problem of what to listen and what to follow and the same thing happened with the Surrogacy. Many people think that is the unnatural way to conceive the child and many from us didn’t know that which countries are actually supporting surrogacy or not? So now we are going clear all your surrogacy myths by providing you the facts that are approvable by the medical science and the law itself. Even from the beginning till the end the surrogacy is the longest and very emotional journey for the surrogate as well as for intended parent.

Surrogacy Myths and Facts 

Myth: Surrogate’s are the baby’s real mother
Fact: A big NO! Surrogate is the one that carries the baby for another couple (intended couple) and gives the newborn to the couple after successful delivery. There is not any connection or link between the baby and the surrogate after the delivery. Intended parent’s name is mentioned on the birth certificate as a father and a mother; surrogate or surrogacy, neither of these words are mentioned on the certificate. Take a deep breath and head towards the surrogacy option if you were resisting yourself for surrogacy due to the above given myth.

Myth: The child born with surrogacy can’t connect to the genetic parents
Fact: In reality the meaning of the surrogacy is when a woman is getting herself pregnant through the egg or the sperm of someone else and after completing nine months. The womb of the another mothers but the child can be connected to the genetically to the intended parents through have the different kinds of surrogacy procedure like Gestational surrogacy, traditional surrogacy with donor sperm, gestational surrogacy and egg donor and the gestational surrogacy with the donor sperm. All these are the ways by which a child can connect to the biological parents.


Myth: Surrogacy is only for those who are wealthy or celebrities
Fact: This is the myth that exists because of the costly package of the surrogacy plan, but that doesn’t mean only wealthy or celebrities can avail this method to begin their parenthood, a normal class family can also plan for the surrogacy. These days almost each treatment is based on a sensible cost offering a couple reasonable treatments in order to welcome the beautiful days of their parenthood. Surrogacy offered by the team of We Care IVF Surrogacy is completely logical and within the range of couple’s pocket. If a couple is unable to pay for a one-time payment, we accept three times payment options as well. A couple can also take help by opting medical loan for their surrogacy treatment.

Myth: Woman opt surrogacy to save her figure or avoid the experience of pregnancy
Fact: Surrogacy is undeniably a long process, where the couple has to spend on many procedures such as the surrogate’s expense, the clinic’s methods (IVF) and surrogate ultrasounds through the way of her pregnancy. Those who choose surrogacy, they have severe infertility issues and also multiple IVF cycles failed to conceive and carry the baby herself. So, surrogacy is the last option for a couple, who needs baby. Having a family is the most important phase of each couple’s life and most of the women do not care about the weight gain during the pregnancy, she really wants the baby to get delivered by her own womb, hence the above statement is the myth.

Myth: May be I have to face trouble getting connected with my baby
Fact: No, it’s not like that! Initially when the baby is in the womb, there might be this thinking or concern about the attachment between the baby and the parent, but once the baby comes out from the womb of the surrogate, the bonding process begins. The moment the intended couple holds the baby in their arms, the bonding starts to take place. They are the one, who nurture the child and love selflessly and this makes a strong connection.

Myth: Surrogacy is legal in all the countries
Fact: There are few country where surrogacy is legal and providing the best performance like India (for only Indian citizens), UK, Belgium, Russia, Georgia and Russia. Countries like France, Germany, Spain, Italy and few more, prohibit surrogacy. Before selecting any country, make sure you read all the legal aspects carefully.

Myth: The surrogate may not give up the child.
Fact: Before the surrogacy there is a contract between the surrogate and the intended parents that after the birth of the child the surrogate doesn’t have any kind of right on the child she is not connected with the child after the birth. Hence, the commissioning parent needs not to get concerned about the birth process. The baby will be all yours after the delivery.

Myth: A surrogate is a poor woman for compensation
Fact: A surrogate mother could be any woman either a housewife or a lawyer there is no limitation for her social activities and the doors are always open for the both some who does this for monetary and for the social activism.

To get the process started, Contact us –

If you are taking into consideration the surrogacy process, feel free to contact our experienced coordinators, we provide the best surrogacy along with the experienced surrogates across the globe (where the surrogacy is legal) and have maintained a good success rate of surrogacy. You can easily discuss surrogacy program with our expertise, they will assist you at the best. Or, you can book an appointment with We Care fertility specialist as well.


Surrogacy – where the surrogate carries the baby of another (intended) couple for nine-months. Laws of surrogacy in India have always been undergone major changes by the legislation and the government. And now on the basis of the latest surrogacy law, the talks are going on to prohibit the commercial surrogacy and to keep altruistic surrogacy legal for surrogacy procedure.

It’s not always India that announces the changes in the surrogacy or ART policies, also there are many nations that have come up with the surrogacy ban option (means neither altruistic surrogacy nor commercial surrogacy). The final statement has yet to be declared. Surrogacy can only be availed by the Indian citizen. No other citizen passport shall be entertained under the surrogacy law in India. For more information, you can contact our support team of We Care IVF Surrogacy.

Surrogacy in India by our services is absolutely reasonable to all the patients in all the partner hospitals in India under our Basic Care Package. The Basic Care package includes the following services:

Dedicated International Patient Services Team:

  • Website and email communication 24 x 7 – As soon as we receive your medical query with the required reports, our patient coordination team of qualified doctors (international patient coordinator) pre assesses the case and replies you with a personalised message confirming the query and suggesting any medical reports requirement.
  • Telephone – Medical Consultation 24 x 7 – The international patient coordinator then personally calls you to discuss the case and any personal preferences. A personal telephone call is made at every point of communication establishing a personal touch.
  • Medical and Hospitality Quote – in 2 working days – On the receipt of all the required medical reports and doctors notes, our patient coordinator then sends copy to the concerned doctor and discusses the case personally with him / her. All aspects are thoroughly discussed and negotiated including the suggested line of treatment, average length of stay and package cost. It’s then communicated to the patient within 2 working days.
  • Video Conferencing – If needed a personal video conferencing of the patient or his / her personal doctor is established with the operating surgeon for discussion.
  • Medical Visa assistance – On the final decision of the patient to travel to India, the passport details of the patient and the traveling attendant are obtained and a medical visa assistance letter addressed to the High Commission of India in their resident country provided. This enables to a medical visa quickly.

Dedicated Hospitality Care Team of We Care IVF Surrogacy:

  • Air Travel / Air Charter booking – Air Travel booking and confirmation to and fro is done from our office (the cost is excluded from the surrogacy package)
  • Airport Transfers – Airport Transfers in an air conditioned car are provided as a part of medical package.
  • Ambulance – Ambulance service, if required is also provided at the airport as a part of the medical package.

Dedicated Patient Care Team: We Care IVF Surrogacy

  • Airport Care – Our Patient Care Manager meets you at the airport and escorts you to the hospital.
  • Pre admission Care – You do not have to wait at the hospital lobby for hospital admission. You will be escorted directly to the room booked for you and all formalities completed there.
  • Daily meeting and 24 x 7 coordination with the fertility specialist, nurses and hospital staff. We have a Clinical Coordinator and a Patient Care Manager stationed in each of our partner hospital. The clinical coordinator meets the operating surgeon / doctor and communicates with the patient. The Patient care Manager arranges everything non clinical including food etc. according to personal preferences.
  • Post Surgery Care – While staying in a guest house / hotel before you can fly again, the team visits you regularly.
  • Tour Care – If you select to go outside the city for a tour, you can call back to our clinical coordinator at any time of the day for assistance. Also, you may select to take a personal care assistant for personal care on the tour for a nominal fee.
  • Follow up with Doctor – On returning back to your country, we will communicate with you regularly to check your health and any follow up required with the doctor will be facilitated.
  • Yoga, Physiotherapy, Meditation etc. – Any monitored physical activity required post operation while staying in the guest house / hotel will be provided as a part of the package. The Physiotherapist will visit you in the guest house for the physical activity.

Advanced Care Package

In Addition to the above services the Advanced Care package also includes: A Personal Care Assistant at the bedside for 8 hrs in a day for the period of stay in the hospital. A Hospitality host / hostess for tour / shopping of the city as and when required.

The advanced care package costs US $ 500 – US $ 800 for up to 6 days stay in the hospital and 4 days stay in Guest House / Hotel. The cost may change as per the requirement of the couple’s choice.

Services available on requirement for a nominal fee

  • Hotel / Service Apartment / Guest House
  • Personal Translator
  • City Guide Shopping Guide
  • Mobile phone with prepaid connection
  • Laptop on Hire, Internet
  • Locker Facility For Valuables
  • Rejuvenative And Recuperative Tours
  • International Newspapers
  • Health Library
  • Liaison with Indian Government authorities
  • Finance and Foreign Exchange services etc.

We Care IVF Surrogacy serves amazing treatment putting forward the best Surrogacy centre in India with a high success rate.

NOTE – For only Indian couples, surrogacy is allowed in India. Foreign couples, if planning to undergo surrogacy in India they might not be because of the 2015 amendment in surrogacy law in India. Today Indian surrogacy bill made illegal for foreign intended couples to complete the surrogacy procedure   in India. Surrogacy in India today is permitted for Indian intended parents who have been legally married for at least five years and carry a valid citizenship of India.

No single parents, homosexuals, and live in couples can undergo surrogacy India.


If you are considering Surrogacy procedure, you really have to research well for the entire process beginning from the matching of the surrogate and ending-up with all the legal formalities. Proper information for the surrogacy process is very essential as you prepare for your experience.

Several key features of the Surrogacy facts and facts about the surrogate mothers need to be overlooked by the intended couple before settling on the surrogacy process. Usually there are two types of surrogacy method- the first is traditional and the second is gestational surrogacy. Gestational surrogacy is the programme, which is more considered across the globe (where the surrogacy is legal) over the traditional one.

Gestational surrogacy is the procedure, where the surrogate mother carries the embryo of another couple (intended couple) and takes the pregnancy to the term. Once the surrogate completes pregnancy duration, surrogate hands-over the newborn to their actual parent once delivery done. There is security and safety too in the gestational surrogacy because during this process, the couple either gives their own medical component for the fertilization or IVF is accomplished using egg/sperm donor, surrogate’s egg is never used in this process.

Surrogacy is legal in all the Countries?

No, surrogacy has always been the most conflict-ridden topic amongst the people. Several reasons are there behind this issue – surrogate’s exploitation for the surrogacy in some countries were found, illegal surrogacy performed, very high cost asked to pay by the couple, so on and hence more than fifty countries have banned surrogacy taking case. Countries such as Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, India (for Indians) and some other states allow the surrogacy program tagging along with the mandatory rules and laws.

Surrogacy facts that need to be considered –

Surrogate Psychological Screening before Matching with Parents

At other agencies, this service is often not performed until the surrogate has been matched with an intended parent. However, often items come up in the psychological screening that IPs may take issue with. As a result, our psychological profiles are often available to the intended parents before a match meeting is ever set.

Making Sure There is a Good Support System

Having a strong base of support of loving people who support a woman’s decision to become a surrogate mother makes for less stress and a happier, healthier pregnancy.

Smooth Matching Process

Selecting a Surrogate is unique in that intended parents will never be exposed to a surrogate or egg donor who has not already been pre-screened. If you decide you want to meet a particular surrogate, you will have the comfort of knowing they have completed a rigorous and thorough screening process, and are ready to help you get started on your journey to parenthood. And, you will never meet anyone you don’t want to meet. Great attention is paid to making sure only meetings between compatible surrogates and intended parents are ever arranged. Everyone’s time is valuable, so if we know a pairing will not work, or will be wrought with difficulties, we won’t even set up a meeting. Read more on how to become a parent with surrogacy.

Excellent Benefits for our Surrogates and Egg Donors

Our surrogates and egg donors are part of our family. They are happy surrogates and egg donors enjoying many benefits, including outstanding financial compensation. They enjoy working with our experienced, caring medical staff that support them throughout the pregnancy and feel the incomparable joy that comes from helping a couple have a baby. Read more on how to become a surrogate.

Favourable Indian Surrogacy Laws

Indian courts are the most surrogacy-friendly in this part of the world. In fact, the courts have consistently upheld the intended parents’ rights when they have chosen to use a surrogate or egg donor, regardless of whether they have used their own genetic material, donor ovum, or donated sperm. A legally binding contract between all parties involved will give you the peace of mind when it comes to your family’s future. Indian surrogacy is only for the Indian citizens (citizenship of India).

There always have seen some changes by the Indian law of surrogacy therefore one if considering surrogacy in India then that requires proper information. If you are seeking surrogacy abroad then Georgia, Ukraine, Kenya would be the best option for you to have a child. We have our fertility centres in these countries, if you are planning for surrogacy and seeking the best surrogacy centre then you can coordinate us for further information.

Nine Important Concerns about Surrogacy –

If you are considering surrogacy, please consider the following subjects –

  1. Legal Issues Surrounding Surrogacy Perhaps one of the most important factors surrounding surrogacy matters involves legal issues pertaining to surrogacy. There are many local laws and regulations involving surrogacy. Laws differ between states. One of the best way to make sure you are properly adhering to the laws and regulations, hire a specialized surrogacy agency like We Care IVF Surrogacy to guide you through the surrogacy process.
  2. Know the Process It is beneficial to be aware of how the surrogacy process works prior to starting the surrogacy procedure.
  3. Be Patient with the Surrogacy Process The surrogacy process will not be carried out instantaneously. It is important to be patient when deciding to choose surrogacy as their desired method for obtaining a child.
  4. Ask Questions Ask a lot of questions of relevant parties in the beginning and throughout the surrogacy process. This will help to detail the procedure involved with surrogacy and make the parents as well as the surrogate mother more at ease.
  5. Look Around for the Best Surrogacy Options They are many types of surrogacy procedures. Be sure to consider all of the options available.
  6. Consider the Cost The surrogacy procedure can be costly. It is important to know the estimated cost of the entire process up front. Ask We Care for a Fully Inclusive Surrogacy Quote.
  7. Determine if Surrogacy Is Right for You Individuals who are contemplating surrogacy should seriously consider concept of surrogacy prior to making a decision to go ahead with the surrogacy procedure.
  8. Talk With Individuals Who Have Pursued Surrogacy Options If you can, talk to other parents and surrogate mothers. Their experiences will offer insight to unexpected problems.
  9. Try to Relax and Think of the Desired Result Take a deep breath, relax.

Utilizing a surrogate won’t forestall holding with your infant.

You don’t have to worry – It won’t put off bonding with your baby –

Some proposed guardians find that they experience no difficulty feeling a bond with the baby after the surrogacy done. Assuming a few or none of these things occur, that is alright as well – it doesn’t mean you won’t bond completely with the newborn after birth. Intended parents are in that spot when their kid is conceived and are a vital piece of the birth plan – holding the infant as quickly as time permits with skin to skin contact, and maybe in any event, getting ready so the new mother can breastfeed. Having an infant can be unbelievably experience, both genuinely and intellectually, yet it is a genuine holding experience for guardians and kid and it is soon going to be there.

We Care IVF Surrogacy is one of the fastest and growing fertility agencies providing the best fertility treatments (basic and advanced) at a genuine price. Serving the decent success rate and the best IVF and Surrogacy centres across globe, the team of we Care has come up with the renowned name in solving the infertility issues in both – males and females.


We all will agree with the fact that children make our life comfortable and responsible. There is an institution that to have children you have to get married, but if anyone of us due to any reason is not in favor to get married so does it mean that we don’t have right to enjoy the life of the parents? Yes! They have it and no one can ever say anything against it because according to the law and to the ethical point of view a single mother or father can easily enjoy and take responsibility of the child. So, according to it, there is only one option is left and that is the option of the surrogacy. Surrogacy in Mexico is the best solution if you are seeking to have a baby (due to severe medical condition or if you are

We totally agree with the point that many people can easily misguide the patient only for their profit and it is very hard for the patient to have trust on anybody in this situation.So we are presenting a testable and the most ravishing source which already gets name and fame throughout the world beyond all the boundaries and that is We Care IVF Surrogacy have the experience to handle the 1000 surrogacy cases with the greatest success rate. Even many people get a problem during the procedure of the surrogacy after the birth of the child so we are ensuring that in the process of the law the couple won’t have to face any kind of trouble so for it get the benefits of us.

Best Surrogacy Centre in Mexico 

That is the USP of us because to have the surrogacy clinic Mexico attracts most of the recipient to have the treatment because the lab and the clinic facility are standard and very much convince to the recipient. Even in the comfort and the security of the patient, the lab is using the latest technology and the modern equipment that can make the process of surrogacy is very easy and the comfort for the patient.

Surrogacy Procedure in the Best Centre of Surrogacy in Mexico 

Surrogacy in Mexico is a fantastic answer for those people who can’t convey a pregnancy or women who don’t have a uterus/ have acute medical issue in the uterus. Surrogacy focuses in Mexico has inside and out information in the zone of screening and observing gestational surrogates while organizing the intended couple’s IVF cycle for a fruitful undeveloped organism move and live birth. If you are thinking and planning about utilizing a gestational surrogate to begin your own family, We Care IVF Surrogacy Centre in Mexico Center’s accomplished group will assist you with exploring all the steps about Surrogacy in Mexico.

Choosing a Suitable Surrogate Mother 

The first procedure of Surrogacy in Mexico is selecting a suitable surrogate for the surrogacy. Once a surrogate has been chosen by the intended couple, the screening procedure is finished, the cycle can be started. The planning of starting the cycle relies upon the menstrual pattern of the surrogate. Once the selected surrogate is chosen by the intended couple, the next step of Surrogacy in Mexico is synchronization of the menstrual cycles of both the surrogate and the intended woman.

Assessment Cycle of Surrogate 

The surrogate needs to set up her uterus for implantation with normal estrogen and progesterone. Since every lady is somewhat unique, the strategy is different in each of the surrogate’s case. In certain conditions, the assessment cycle can be postponed when the reaction of the uterus to hormonal incitement is notable. This is genuinely basic for ladies who have experienced numerous treatment cycles previously.

Cycle Synchronization of the Surrogate and Intended Woman 

It is important to synchronize the menstrual patterns of the surrogate and the expected parent so as to acquire develop eggs and embryos and move these go into a flawlessly arranged endometrium (uterine covering) to supplement the chances of pregnancy accomplishment.

This is finished utilizing an assortment of hormonal controls including contraception pills. The team of We Care IVF Surrogacy figure out which system will work best for every condition. When the two ladies’ (surrogate and expected parent) ovarian capacity is smothered and their cycles synchronized, they can start the way toward getting ready for pregnancy.

Medication and Hormonal Therapy 

The very next procedure of Surrogacy in Mexico is hormonal therapy. Once the cycle becomes synchronized, the surrogate and expected parent will start hormonal treatments to set up the proper objective for pregnancy achievement. The surrogate will start taking estrogen to invigorate endometrial (uterine lining) development and the proposed parent will start taking FSH to animate egg creation.

The intended women have to come to the fertility centre for the check-up with. Once the eggs are fit to be recovered, the specialist retrieves the egg and the uterus of the surrogate is prepared to acknowledge an embryo.

Typically these medicines (fertility medication and hormonal therapy) will take around half a month and require five office visits for ultrasounds and blood tests.

Egg Retrieval 

At the point when the ultrasound checking of the ovaries and uterus discovers that the eggs are developed and fit to be recovered, the proposed parent is planned for egg pick up. Egg retrieval is the process performed by the senior specialist of We Care IVF Surrogacy. Upon the retrieval of the egg the expected parent experiences a vaginal, ultrasound-guided technique under light sedative at the best surrogacy centre in Mexico. The ultrasound utilized for egg recovery is much the same as the one used to screen the procedure of the cycle in the workplace.

At the point when the follicle that contains the eggs is seen with the ultrasound, a needle can be coordinated through the highest point of the vagina into the follicle and the follicular containing the eggs are suctioned into a test tube.

On a similar day as the egg retrieval procedure of Surrogacy in Mexico, the male partner gives his semen sample for the IVF fertilization and the surrogate starts progesterone treatment. When the eggs are recovered, they are taken to the IVF lab and put with sperm in the hatchery. The next morning it is resolved what number of the eggs have effectively treated into the embryos.

Embryo Transfer –

So, this is the last process of Surrogacy in Mexico, where the embryo gets placed into the uterus of the surrogate.

Nowthe surrogate carries theembryo of the intended couple up to the term. Legal formalities of the Surrogacy in Mexico is carried out by the team of We Care IVF Surrogacy.

The surrogate is properly taken care by our fertility team during the pregnancy periodand once she delivers the baby, proper health checkup is performed by our team in order to make sure she will have smooth post-care.

Benefits to having Surrogacy in Mexico from us 

We make surrogacy affordable: With the complete facility, we are the only one who is providing the facility of the quality with the quantity. As compared to the price of the surrogacy to the other nations so we have the most affordable price lists with the complete health services and the reason behind it is surrogate mothers are easily available in Mexico in anytime anywhere.

Our location in Mexico is convenient: The fertility clinics are located in the major cities and easy to find out and all the clinics are familiar with the modern and latest technology of the fertility treatments.

Our legal team will support you: Either the surrogacy of the single parents or the couple or the same sex couple the patient will not face any kind of trouble in the legal implications.


Surrogacy is the process, where a lady gets pregnant with the expectation of giving birth for another couple, who is facing difficulty in the way of getting pregnant. For the most part, the surrogate conveys the infant for a couple or parent who can’t conceive by own – they are known as “intended couples”

There are two types of surrogacy; traditional and gestational surrogacy. During the traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother’s egg is utilized, making her the hereditary mother and by the IUI process the fertilization is accomplished. In gestational surrogacy, the egg is given by the expected mother or the donor (if the mother cannot lay healthy eggs). The egg is prepared through in vitro treatment (IVF) and afterward positioned inside the uterus of the surrogate mother to carry the child up to the maturity – nine months duration.

In the event that a couple has been facing fertility issues, this implies they have been not able to have the baby even after trying regular and unprotected intercourse without conception prevention. Is Ladies are the just a single answerable for not conceiving an offspring – No; infertility isn’t generally a lady’s concern. Both – men and women are equally facing the fertility issue while planning to have a kid.

Couples are commonly recommended to look for medical assistance in the event that they can’t accomplish pregnancy following a time of unprotected intercourse. You might be advised to search out consideration from the expert in the event that you are more established than 35 years of age. The specialist will lead a physical assessment of the two accomplices to decide their general condition of wellbeing and to assess physical disarranges that might be causing the fertility problem. For men, semen analysis test is performed – to check the number of count, motility and its nature.

On the off chance that no reason can be resolved now, progressively explicit tests might be suggested. For ladies, these incorporate an investigation of the egg quality and ovulation, x-ray of the fallopian tubes and uterus, and laparoscopy.

Surrogacy Procedure – Surrogacy FAQs – 2020 

Surrogacy is the most developed assisted reproductive technology – ART technique, where the infant gets carried by the other lady’s (surrogate) womb. The surrogate is otherwise called gestational surrogate or mother, who conveys the fertilized egg (embryo) of another couple and holds the embryo till the embryo develops into the baby (that implies nine-months). Surrogacy is substantially more costly than IVF or other process of ART in light of the fact that during IVF, the actual mother (expected mother) holds the child in her own womb for the nine-months of the pregnancy duration. Be that as it may, in surrogacy, the surrogate deals with the infant and hand-over the infant to the planned couple.

Surrogacy has always been a hot-potato subject in the area of the fertility issues; this is because of a few laws and guideline which have been directed by various nations. Nations, for example, Germany, Italy, Spain and more have totally restricted the surrogacy, while a few nations just permit the surrogacy. IVF is the most well-known treatment and is legitimate in practically all the nations. Every nation has its own models of IVF cost and surrogacy. Let’s begin with some fundamental Surrogacy FAQs

Q. What is Surrogacy?

A: Surrogacy is one of the most successful ART technique providing the highest success rate on the terms of live-birth rate. Surrogacy is mainly performed with the help of a surrogate or gestational carrier, who carries the baby of the intended couple up to the delivery.

When a couple has already tried other assisted reproductive treatments (IVF, ICSI, Sperm/egg Donor and so forth), but the couple still unable to have their baby due to severe fertility issue, then this is the time when they can plan for the surrogacy procedure. The couple can go for the best and extreme answer for have their own infant by Surrogacy. In Surrogacy, Surrogate (ladies) conveys an embryo in her belly of the actual couple (by IVF method) and hand-over the new-born to their parent after the healthy delivery. The entire process takes more than nine-month because of the intended couple’s IVF treatment too.

Q. Define Gestational Surrogacy

A: Gestational Surrogacy is one of the forms of the surrogacy procedure and is legitimately endorsed however conventional isn’t. In Gestational Surrogacy, expected couple gives their own sperms and eggs and through the procedure of IVF (where eggs and sperms are joined outside the human body) fertilization is accomplished, later the fertilized egg or the healthies embryo is set into the uterus of the surrogate who will convey pregnancy, that lady is named as gestational surrogate. Gestational surrogacy is chosen over the traditional one because of no risk (of surrogate’s emotional bond with the baby), during this surrogacy method, the surrogate has no genetic bond with the baby and due to this reason, the procedure goes smooth.

Q. What is Traditional Surrogacy? Why gestational surrogacy is picked over conventional?

A: Traditional surrogacy is restricted in many countries because of high risk of emotional bond of the surrogate with the baby. In this procedure, not simply surrogate conveys the child in her belly yet additionally hereditarily identified with the infant in light of the fact that here eggs are of the surrogate. During the traditional surrogacy, the eggs are used of the surrogate only and the entire process is accomplished with the IUI treatment. True, this surrogacy method is accomplished by the strategy of manual semen injection, IUI. In this Surrogacy, there is a danger of emotional connection in this manner gestational is protected and lawful as well. On the other hand, in Gestational Surrogacy, eggs are collected from the intended female accomplice and by the procedure of IVF, treatment is accomplished. Here the infant is hereditarily identified with the couple consequently the bond or connection is not exactly conventional surrogacy. That is the motivation behind why couples settle upon Gestational Surrogacy.

Q. When to settle on Gestational Surrogacy?

A: There are a few focuses referenced beneath that when the couples really look for the gestational surrogacy method to have their own kid by the help of a surrogate –

  • Repeated Miscarriages due to several complication of the woman’s uterus
  • Uterus is absent due to the surgery performed – Hysterectomy
  • Failure of IVF and other ART procedure (tried multiple IVF with other different procedure)
  • Those ladies who can’t hold a pregnancy because of the shortcoming or disappointment of uterus can go for the Surrogacy.
  • Continuous loss of pregnancy
  • Or those couples who have been trying to have a baby with the ART technique for at least five years and yet couldn’t get conceive

Q. What are the prerequisites to turn into a surrogate?

A: Since we know the surrogacy is the most expensive procedure of ART technique and at the same time highest giving success rate, hence the surrogate matter is really crucial throughout the procedure. At We Care IVF Surrogacy, the surrogates are screened properly and qualified. Becoming a surrogate isn’t that simple even. Each lady who needs to be a surrogate needs to experience some screening tests and required to undergo a few necessities. This are-

  • Women with the age of 21-40 with a healthy AMH level and egg quality
  • Away from liquor, medications and smoke
  • Must have at least a single baby before the surrogacy
  • No history of any psychological sickness and crime
  • Uncomplicated pregnancy (ever)
  • Must have a stable family with supportive family member
  • The surrogate is required to undergo with some basic test (of hormonal test, infection)
  • Physically fit, steady and mindful way of life
  • Her BMI ought to be in sound range

Q. What is the success rate of the Surrogacy procedure?

A: Success rate of Surrogacy procedure is 90-98%. We Care IVF Surrogacy gives Gestational Surrogacy in most extreme consideration and in a set up way. Success rate in We care IVF Surrogacy ranges between 95-98% providing the best surrogate. Surrogacy is one of the most beneficial techniques for the barren pairs to accomplish their own infant by this procedure.

Q. Whose name is mentioned on the birth paper after the surrogacy is done?

A:  As per the surrogacy rule, name of the actual or intended parent is referenced on the endorsement or on the birth-certificate. This law is for the most part followed by every nation who allows the surrogacy strategy. This law is mostly followed by each country who permits the surrogacy procedure.

Q. Can the expected guardians pick their kid’s sexual orientation?

A: Well, it varies again on the basis of the country’s law, according to most of the country, there is the law you can’t choose the gender of the child in the process of Surrogacy. For more information, you can contact our support team.

Q. What occurs after the pregnancy during the surrogacy process?

A: Birth of a child from Gestational Surrogate following multi month of pregnancy term is the finish of the Surrogacy. After the effective birth, child is given to the planned couple. Surrogate is taken care by the fertility centre under the fertility team of the clinic.

Q. What is the expense of the Surrogacy procedure?

A: Surrogacy process cost differs on the basis of the country surrogacy rules. At We Care IVF Surrogacy, a couple gets the most reasonable and the authentic rate of the surrogacy procedure. We have three to four surrogacy packages with donor, without donor, guarantee package and premium package of the surrogacy. The couple during the consultation, is given descriptive view of the cost structure of the surrogacy by the centre’s coordinators.

Q. Who can’t turn into a surrogate mother?

A: Woman who has severe health issues (depression, cancer treatment and so on), is prone to smoke, drinking and so forth, those females who are experiencing any wellbeing inconvenience and who are not unfit to hold the baby, cannot settle on or go to become a Surrogate mother.

Q. Is Surrogacy legal in all the countries?

A: No, Surrogacy is not legal for all the states because of several debates and legal issues. Surrogacy rules and regulation varies from country to country. Surrogacy is prohibited in Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, France, and Spain. There are some countries, where the surrogacy is legal but the surrogate mother is not paid or only paid for the necessary expenses – UK, Ireland, Belgium, and Denmark. Commercial surrogacy – where the surrogate is paid, is legal in very few states like – US, India, Russia, Ukraine, Kenya, Thailand an etc. However, in these countries too, there are several laws, like in India, only Indians are allowed to avail of the surrogacy procedure.

The Bottom Line 

We are one of the leading medical tourism IVF Surrogacy agency that give quality treatment serving the most elevated success rate (live birth rates) over the globe. We follow each rules of the surrogacy in our partner surrogacy clinics in different countries. The whole team of our fertility is expert in solving any of the case of infertility because of years of experience; we have the best and proficient fertility group, who have enough experience and represented considerable authority in settling the infertility issue. We have solved several extreme infertility cases by applying the most reasonable fertility treatment under the direction of our veteran and prepared staff.

The group of We Care IVF Surrogacy offers the most credible and reasonable fertility treatment cost to the couples looking for the best ART treatment. We are qualified in almost each basic and advanced fertility treatment, for example, IUI – Intra-Uterine Insemination, IVF treatment, ICSI, IMSI, PICSI, Surgical Sperm Retrieval (TESA, MESA and PESA), IVF with PGD technique, IVF with LAH, IVF with donors, Cryopreservation technique, and Surrogacyprocedure.

If you are planning for surrogacy treatment and still have some doubts or questions – Surrogacy FAQs, our support team is there for you answering your query.

surrogacy centers in Kenya – If anyone is looking for the best surrogacy centers in Kenya then visit the surrogacy centers under We Care IVF Surrogacy where you will find the best surrogacy centers that help the infertile couple in conceiving a baby. If you are the one who is dealing with the cause of infertility and unable to conceive naturally after trying for a long period then it’s high time that you need proper assistance in conceiving a baby. 

How do choose the best surrogacy centers in Kenya?

For choosing the best surrogacy centers in Kenya the couple needs to do proper homework which means they need to thoroughly check about the centers offering surrogacy in Kenya and after that do proper research on the centre’s success rates, cost of the treatment, length of the treatment, the experience of the fertility expert, qualification of the fertility and embryologist expert, reviews about the center they have selected, etc. After searching all these things they should visit the clinic in-person to know better about the clinic as it’s a matter of their dream for which they have waited a lot. 

The Surrogacy centers under We Care IVF Surrogacy are the best not because they are offering the reasonable cost of the treatment but they offer other best services that help the couple in achieving their goal. The services like 24*7 personal & medical cares, the clinic staff maintain a proper database for all the relevant documents so that on every follow-up the couples need not carry their files, experienced fertility experts who find out the root cause of infertility and treat them with the most appropriate fertility treatment, skilled & professional embryologists who know how many embryos need to transfer to achieve the successful outcome of the procedure.

We suggest the couple visit our centers once and you will find a difference between the surrogacy centers under We Care IVF Surrogacy and the other centers in Kenya.

How the surrogacy procedure is performed at these best surrogacy centers in Kenya?

Surrogacy is one of the most emotional procedures so to perform this procedure certain parameters the center will take and the most important is the legal paperwork so that the surrogacy procedure will be performed by the fertility expert smoothly. 

Before the procedure begins the surrogacy center will ask their legal adviser to do paperwork where both parties are agreed to sign a contract that states the surrogate mother will deliver a baby and hand-over to the intended parents. The intended parents are agreed to bear all the expenses including the compensation of the surrogate mother till the baby is delivered to them.

Once all the legal paperwork is completed, the surrogacy expert will begin the procedure and there are 2 ways to perform the procedure: (i) gestational surrogacy, and (ii) traditional surrogacy.

What’s the difference between traditional & gestational surrogacy?

There is one big difference in performing gestational & traditional surrogacy that is in gestational surrogacy the surrogate mother is not genetically connected to the baby born, however, in traditional surrogacy the surrogate mother is genetically connected to the baby born.

Here is a brief description that how both gestational & traditional surrogacy is performed:

(i) Gestational surrogacy: This is a procedure where the eggs of the intended mother or donor eggs are fertilized with the donor sperm or the sperm of the intended father to facilitate fertilization. Once the fertilization occurs and the embryo is created it will be transferred into the uterus of the surrogate mother and she will carry the baby for a full term in her womb.

(ii) Traditional surrogacy: This is a procedure in which the eggs of the surrogate mother or donor eggs will be taken out from the ovaries and fertilized with the sperm donor or the intended father’s sperm to smooth the fertilization. Once the embryo is created then the professional embryologist will transfer it into the uterus of the surrogate mother which means the surrogate mother is the biological mother of the baby born. This is the reason that surrogacy requires a legal contract so that the surrogate mother will not change her mind after the baby is born.

How much does the cost of surrogacy procedures at these best surrogacy centers in Kenya?

If you choose the best surrogacy centers in Kenya under We Care IVF surrogacy then the cost of the surrogacy procedures are reasonable and it is also covered by most of the insurance medical providers in Kenya. The estimated cost for traditional surrogacy in Kenya ranges from Rs. 18 lakhs to 22 lakhs and for gestational surrogacy, it is around Rs 25 lakhs to 30 lakhs, however, if you compared this surrogacy cost to any other surrogacy centers in Kenya then you will find that the surrogacy centers under We Care IVF Surrogacy are not only the best but cost-effective as well.

Final Thoughts

In case, you are the one who tried all other ART procedures but still unable to achieve a successful outcome this means your infertility level is high and you need more assistance with the most advanced fertility procedure that is surrogacy. So, don’t wait for the right time this is the time when you need to take proper action to turn your dream into reality. You need to visit our surrogacy center for proper assistance where the fertility specialists examine the root cause of infertility in both husband and wife and accordingly suggest the best procedure which allows you to live your parenthood happily.

We have fertility specialists who have more than 25 years of experience in treating complex as well as normal cases where conception naturally is a problem. They provide their best advice and plan the fertility treatment that suits your pocket and also gives you a successful outcome. 

So, don’t delay your journey to be a parent of your baby, give us a call on 9899293903 and we are happy to help you.

What are the Top 10 surrogacy centers in Punjab?

surrogacy centers in Punjab – The best surrogacy centers in Punjab are the centers that help infertile couples who are not able to conceive a baby. The best part of surrogacy is that this procedure can fulfill the dream of having a baby for the married couples as well as same-sex couples which means each individual can enjoy being a parent of their baby.

The people who reach the age of 40 years have a question in their minds that are they able to have a baby at this age. The answer to their question is yes, with the advancement in bioscience various fertility treatments allow the couples to become a parent even after the age of 40 years and surrogacy is one of them. The fertility expert will perform the surrogacy procedure by using 2 ways: (i) gestational surrogacy and (ii) traditional surrogacy.

(i) Gestational surrogacy: This is often a procedure where the fertility expert will use the donor eggs or the eggs of the intended mother and fertilize them with the donor sperm or the sperm of the intended father to smooth the fertilization process. After that, the embryos are going to be formed and therefore the skilled embryologist will transfer that embryo into the uterus of the mother. This is often a procedure where the mother doesn’t have any genetic relationship with the baby born.

(ii) Traditional surrogacy: During this procedure, the fertility expert will use the eggs of the mother or donor eggs and blend them with the sperm of the intended father or donor sperm to facilitate fertilization. Once fertilization occurs the skilled embryologist will transfer the resulted embryo into the uterus of the mother. This is often a procedure during which the mother features a biological reference to the baby born.

Is surrogacy is a legal procedure at the best surrogacy centers in Punjab?

Yes, surrogacy is the legal procedure at the best surrogacy centers in Punjab under the network group of we care IVF surrogacy as this medical tourism company has a government-approved legal permit to perform surrogacy across the world.

What are the legal documents required for surrogacy?

The legal advisors at the best surrogacy centers in Punjab prepare a legal contract which states that the surrogate mother will carry the baby till full term and hand-over the baby to the intended parents and her family has no issues. On the other hand, the intended parents are ready to take full responsibility for the surrogate mother that includes the compensation, food, accommodation, medical expenses, travel expenses, etc. till the baby is born.

Once the mother delivers a baby it’s the responsibility of the intended parents to file a petition in court on the 3rd day of the baby born for claiming the certificate within the name of the intended parents. The court will properly review all the legal papers that are signed before performing the surrogacy procedure and once they’re satisfied they’re going to order the Department of important Statistics to issue the certificate of the baby born through surrogacy within the name of the intended parents. 

Are there any side effects of the surrogacy procedure?

As we all know that all surgical procedures are associated with mild to severe side effects, similarly some side effects have been associated with surrogacy. These are:

  1. Mood swings: This can happen in some cases where women are on the medications that regulate their menstrual cycle.
  2. Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS): To perform surrogacy the fertility expert first performs the IVF treatment and the surrogate mother who took the IVF medications can be at risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
  3. Stress: Stress is one of the foremost dangerous factors for the mother as they keep it up thinking that the baby they’re carrying must hand-over to the intended parents after the birth. The mother must be very strong to know the criticality of surrogacy treatment. At the simplest surrogacy centers in Punjab, we hired the married women as a mother who a minimum of has born to at least one baby.
  4. Common side effects of pregnancy: Some common side effects are associated with pregnancy such as back pain, weight gain, heartburn, swelling, nausea, etc.
  5. Family support: To become a mother the family of the surrogate must support her as in many cases, the husband of the mother isn’t proud of things that his wife carries a baby for 9 months in her womb and hand-over to a different person.

How safe is the surrogacy procedure at these best surrogacy centers in Punjab?

The best surrogacy centers in Punjab under the network group of we care ivf surrogacy is extremely safe as we’ve highly qualified and skilled professionals who have quite 25 years of experience in treating the explanation for infertility and offering the simplest surrogacy treatments. The fertility experts at these surrogacy centers have helped quite thousands of couples both international and domestic who were facing the challenges in conceiving a baby naturally. 

We have fertility experts who make use of the newest technologies and high-end equipment to perform the surrogacy procedures that help the couples to fight with the explanation for infertility and permit them to become a parent of their baby. 

What after the surrogacy procedure is completed?

Once the surrogacy procedure is complete-

d at the simplest surrogacy centers in Punjab, the fertility experts will welcome a new-born during this world and hand-over to the intended parents. this is often one among the foremost precious and memorable moments for the intended parents who are waited for an extended to carry the baby in their arms and this will change their entire life, they forgot all the financial, mental, the burden that they need skilled during the journey of surrogacy. 

After this, the fertility expert will release the mother from the surrogacy center in Punjab, the new family and therefore the mother both will return to their destinations.

Best Surrogacy clinics in Georgia: We Care IVF Surrogacy is the leading medical tourism company globally. It has tie-ups with the best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia that offer multiple fertility treatments under one roof. The fertility experts at these clinics are highly qualified and experienced fertility professionals who can treat routine and complex infertility cases. The best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia use the latest & advanced technologies to treat the causes of infertility and that too at a very reasonable cost without compromising the quality of the treatment.

How these best surrogacy clinics in Georgia help couples?

These best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia under We Care IVF Surrogacy help the couples by offering them the below-mentioned services:

  1.  Qualified & trained fertility professionals: These best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia have qualified & trained fertility professionals who have more than 20 years of experience in infertility treatments. They are the one who examines the couple’s first and based on their medical reports they suggest the best fertility treatment that allows the couples to become a parent of their baby.
  2.  Highest success rates: These best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia under We Care IVF surrogacy have achieved the highest success rates for each fertility treatment. These clinics can achieve success rates for women above the age of 40, whereas; all other fertility clinics in Georgia failed to extract the cause of infertility.
  3.  Excellent & affordable fertility treatments: The best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia under We Care IVF Surrogacy offer reasonable & affordable fertility treatments that each individual can easily afford across the world. Keeping cost-effective fertility treatments doesn’t mean that these clinics will compromise on the quality of the treatment. The fertility experts at these clinics will offer the same quality of treatment as other developed countries like the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, etc.
  4.  Facilities offered: The best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia will provide world-class facilities to each regardless of caste, religion, gender, etc. People will get a pleasant & comfortable stay throughout their journey; also, they will get full personal & medical support from the fertility experts and their team of other professionals. The part of these clinics is that the representatives at these best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia will maintain the database for every patient. Every time the couple need not carry the file with them. The representatives will search the case by entering their names in the system.

How these best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia fulfil the dream of couples to have a baby?

These best surrogacy clinics in Georgia under We Care IVF Surrogacy promise each individual that they give their best to fulfil the dream for infertile couples to have their baby. The fertility experts will offer the different fertility treatments that help the couples overcome the dilemma that they cannot have their baby. The following are some fertility treatments performed at these best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia:

  1.  IVF: This is one of the most common procedures performed at the best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia, where the fertility experts will collect the eggs from the woman ovaries & fertilize them with the donor sperm or the recipient’s husband. IVF will be performed outside the woman’s body but in the IVF lab.
  2.  ICSI: ICSI is performed to treat the causes of infertility in men, which means the male members who are dealing with poor or low sperm count; ICSI is for them in which the fertility experts at these best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia will extract the sperms surgically. Once the sperms are extracted, the single sperm will be injected into each egg to ease the fertilization process.
  3.  Egg Donation: Egg donation is mainly for women who are unable to produce enough eggs for fertilization in such cases; the fertility experts of these best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia under We Care IVF Surrogacy will borrow the eggs from the egg donor, and it will be fertilized with the donor sperm or the sperm of the recipient husband.
  4.  GIFT: GIFT is known as gamete intrafallopian transfer, where the fertility experts will not fertilize the eggs and the sperms outside the body. They will be implanted together into one of the woman’s fallopian tubes.
  5.  Egg freezing: Egg freezing is a procedure opted by those women who wish to plan their family in their 30s or above. In such cases, women freeze their eggs at these best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia when they are in their 20s and use them in the future. By freezing the eggs at these fertility clinics in Georgia, couples need to pay fixed annual charges, around 10% of the essential IVF treatment.
  6.  Surrogacy: Surrogacy is the most advanced fertility treatment procedure & the fertility experts at the best ten surrogacy clinics in Georgia will perform surrogacy in two ways, i.e., gestational surrogacy & traditional surrogacy.

(i) Gestational surrogacy is a procedure in which the biological mother’s eggs will be fertilized with the sperm of the biological father or donor sperm. Once the fertilization occurs, the formed embryo will be implanted into the surrogate mother’s uterus, and she will carry the baby till full term.

(ii) Traditional surrogacy is a procedure in which the surrogate mother or donor eggs are fertilized with the sperm of the biological father or the donor sperm. After the fertilization step is completed, the embryologist will transfer the formed embryo into the surrogate mother’s uterus.

The only difference between gestational & traditional surrogacy is that: with the gestational procedure, the couple will have their biological baby, whereas, with traditional surrogacy procedure, the biological mother is the surrogate mother.

Surrogacy clinics in Russia – We Care IVF India is a leading medical tourism company that has tie-up with the top 10 surrogacy clinics in Russia that offers the following services to each individual across the world. These are:

1. Facilities offered: The top 10 surrogacy clinics in Russia offer world-class services to each individual whosoever looking for fertility treatment in Russia. These fertility centres use the latest & advanced technologies to treat the causes of infertility in couples. Once the cause is deducted, the fertility experts at these centres suggest the best fertility treatments which fulfil the dream of having a baby for childless couples. The medical representatives at these top 10 surrogacy clinics in Russia will arrange the services like travel visas for treatment, food, accommodation, pre & post-medical consultation, best counsellors, etc.

2. Affordable treatment cost: The top 10 surrogacy clinics in Russia under We Care IVF Surrogacy offers fertility treatments at a very reasonable cost that can be easily afforded by people of every class which means, lower, middle, and the upper class. A reason to offer such affordable costs is that the fertility experts understand the pain through which the childless couples are going. Many couples cannot afford a simple fertility treatment due to the high cost. By keeping all the emotions and financial conditions of the people, the top 10 surrogacy clinics in Russia decided to keep the reasonable cost that can help people afford the fertility treatment, and they are also able to enjoy the phase of parenthood.

3. Success Rates: These top 10 surrogacy clinics in Russia have achieved the highest success rates in complex fertility procedures. The fertility experts at these centres are highly qualified and trained professionals with more than 15 years of experience in infertility treatments. They make the highest success rates for couples above 40 years, where conception is next to impossible. Still, these fertility experts have made it possible with their hard efforts and dedication.

4. Surroundings of the clinics: The clinics under We Care IVF Surrogacy in Russia are surrounded by positive vibes that give energy to couples which helps them concentrate on their fertility treatments. This is very important to achieve the successful outcome of the procedure. People will find at the top 10 surrogacy clinics in Russia that fertility experts and other medical professionals are taking good care of each individual throughout the fertility treatment. This gives an image to other people visiting the centres. These are the fertility clinics in Russia where the fertility experts will turn their hope of having a baby into reality.

5. Waiting time: The visitors waiting time at these top 10 surrogacy clinics in Russia under We Care IVF Surrogacy is less as compared to the waiting time in other fertility clinics. E.g., if the couple needs to opt for the surrogacy treatment for which they need a surrogate mother, in such cases, they need not stand in long queues to wait for their turn. These fertility clinics under We Care IVF Surrogacy have a large database of the best surrogate mothers from where people can choose the surrogate mother as per their preference.

What are the fertility treatments available at the top 10 surrogacy clinics in Russia?

The top 10 surrogacy clinics in Russia under We Care IVF Surrogacy offer the following fertility treatments that allow infertile couples to have a baby. These treatments are:

1. Intrauterine insemination (IUI): IUI is the first-line fertility treatment that will be suggested to couples with the cause of unexplained infertility. During IUI, the fertility expert will wash men’s sperms properly. After that, it will be placed inside the woman uterus to facilitate fertilization. This procedure increases the sperm counts that reach woman fallopian tubes to increases the chances of conception.

2. In Vitro fertilization (IVF): IVF is a surgical procedure that is performed at all the top 10 surrogacy clinics in Russia. IVF is a procedure where the fertility experts will collect the eggs from woman ovaries and fertilized them with sperm of the biological father or donor sperm to ease the fertilization. The IVF will be performed outside the woman’s body but in the IVF lab.

3. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): ICSI is a procedure that will be performed to treat the causes of infertility in men who are dealing with poor or low sperm counts, blockage in semen, etc. The fertility experts will extract the sperms surgically. Once the sperms are extracted, the single sperm will be directly injected into each woman egg to facilitate fertilization. Once fertilization takes place, the resulted embryo will be implanted into the uterus of the woman.

4. Egg Donation: Egg donation is a procedure where the fertility experts at the top 10 surrogacy clinics in Russia under We Care IVF Surrogacy will borrow the egg from the egg donors hired to help the infertile couples. After that, the fertility experts will fertilize these eggs with the sperm of the genetic father or sperm donor to smooth the fertilization.

5. Surrogacy: The surrogacy procedure will be performed either as a gestational surrogacy or a traditional surrogacy at the top 10 surrogacy clinics in Russia. In gestational surrogacy, the eggs of the biological mother or the donor eggs are fertilized with the sperm of the biological father or donor sperm to facilitate the fertilization.

In traditional surrogacy, the egg of the surrogate mother or the donor eggs will be fertilized with the sperm of the biological father or donor sperm to facilitate the fertilization process.

6. Gamete intrafallopian tube transfer (GIFT) & Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT): These are fertility procedures performed similarly to conventional IVF, which involves retrieval of eggs, combining eggs & sperms in IVF lab, and transferring them into a woman’s uterus.

ZIFT is a procedure where the fertility experts will fertilize the eggs and place them into the woman’s fallopian tubes 24 hours after the IVF. In GIFT, the fertility expert will mix the eggs and the sperms before insertion.

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With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.

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26/18, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi


Kathmandu 44600, Nepal


19 A Dniprovska Kiev 02081, Ukraine


Tbilisi, Capital of Georgia

Disclaimer: Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India. No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

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