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Many fertility specialists characterize a more aged lady as one who is over 35 years if planning to conceive they should not delay their pregnancy planning more A woman’s fertility doesn’t tumble off at a specific age, however begins declining step by step after the age of 30. After 35, the drop is genuinely sensational; and after 38, it’s considerably more so. Be that as it may, there is no enchantment number at which richness vanishes and this decrease is a dynamic irreversible procedure.

Previously, it was accepted that as the lady becomes older, her whole reproductive framework began coming up short. In any case, today we realize that the uterus and the fallopian tubes remain moderately unaffected by age; and that the explanation behind the decrease in richness is the reduced number of eggs left in the ovary. Every girl is born with a finite number of eggs, and their number progressively declines with age. A measure of the remaining number of eggs in the ovary is called the “ovarian reserve”; and as the woman ages, her ovarian reserve gets depleted. The infertility specialist is really not interested in the woman’s calendar (or chronological age), but rather her biological age – or how many eggs are left in her ovaries.

What are The Tests for Measuring Ovarian Reserve?

Various tests have been described, to measure the ovarian reserve, so that we can determine which patients are good candidates for treatment. These tests are based on measuring the level of the FSH level in the blood; and include a basal (day 3) FSH level. A high level suggests poor ovarian reserve; and a very high level is diagnostic of ovarian failure. A test that can provide earlier evidence of declining ovarian function is the clomiphene citrate challenge test (CCCT). This is similar to a ” stress test ” of the ovary; and involves measuring a basal Day 3 FSH level; and a Day 10 FSH level , after administering 100 mg of clomiphene citrate from Day 5 to Day 9. If the sum of the FSH levels is more than 25, then this suggests poor ovarian function, and predicts that the woman is likely to have a poor ovarian response (she will most probably grow few eggs, of poor quality) when super ovulated. Another test which has been recently developed is the measurement of the level of the hormone, inhibin B, in the blood. Low levels of inhibin B ( which are produced by”good” follicles) suggests a poor ovarian reserve. However, just because a test result is normal does not mean that the quality or number of the eggs will be good – the final proof of the pudding is always in the eating!

The menopause is easy to define, because it is the point at which the menses cease, and at this time the eggs in the ovaries are finally depleted. However, the quality of eggs starts declining well before the menopause starts. Some specialists calls this the “oopause” – the time period before the menopause, during which fertility progressively declines because of deterioration in the quality of the eggs. This can manifest itself in many ways, some of which are extremely subtle, which is why the oopause can be so hard to identify. Initially, these women may present as having recurrent miscarriages, and then as having “unexplained infertility”. While the number of eggs they grow seems fine initially, they do poorly in the IVF lab. Initially they may have unexplained implantation failure of apparently satisfactory embryos; and later, poor quality embryos; and then failure of fertilization.

What is The Relationship between Infertility and The Midlife Crisis?

Infertility and the Midlife Crisis
Many women in their late 30s early 40s have postponed marriage or childbearing to obtain their education, establish themselves in careers, and become financially secure. These aspirations frequently have worked against the decision to have children. The passage of time, however, alters the way many women feel about motherhood by changing their perceptions about themselves as well as about the world around them. Additionally these changes may also have to do with having a new sense of maturity as well as a feeling of accomplishment. Thus, as women-and men-feel more secure about themselves, their feelings and ideas about children and parenthood may also change.

As a couple moves into midlife, they must also begin recognizing and coming to terms with their own mortality. For many, parenthood is a part of successfully completing an important stage in life. As couples begin to see and understand the passage of their own lives, the need to pass along life experiences to new generations enhances the meaning of life.

Men and women in midlife, who have made the decision to have children, may find to their dismay that they are frequently thwarted by the inability to conceive or by recurrent miscarriages. For women, the realities of the biologic clock cannot be overlooked. At this point, many couples are faced with dual crises which can compound their problems -infertility, as well as a midlife crisis – the developmental life changes that normally occur in the middle years. This is why we suggest that women who are more than 30 and who wish to postpone childbearing should get their FSH levels checked on Day 3 of their cycle. This is a simple blood test which allows the doctor to check your ovarian reserve (the quantity and quality of the eggs in your ovaries). A high level suggests poor ovarian reserve and should be a wake-up alarm that your biological clock is ticking away rapidly. It’s important that this test should be done in a reliable laboratory.

As women reach menopause, they begin to realize that the option of conceiving and bearing a child is closed to them. Just as the array of other life choices begins to narrow, the loss of this ability to choose to have a child can result in sadness and deep disappointment. The realization of this “missed opportunity” can also lead to self-recrimination and depression.

How Can Donor Eggs Help the Older Infertile Woman?

A very effective option for older woman whose own eggs do not grow well is that of using donor eggs or donor embryos. However, this is obviously a very sensitive emotional issue, and each couple needs to make their own decision. While using donor eggs and embryos does dramatically improve pregnancy rates, it is often an option many couples find hard to come to terms with.

It is also becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable egg donors. Finding altruistic egg donors is an uphill task for most women, because they are often very reluctant to ask for help, since this would involve telling others about their problem.

Support groups like NEEDS (National Egg and Embryo Donation Society) in the UK have been very helpful in motivating voluntary egg donors by creating public awareness of the need for healthy young women to donate their eggs. Clinics have also adopted various approaches to help resolve this problem. Some large clinics run successful anonymous egg donation programs; others use known egg donors (either paid or unpaid); and others encourage their patients to share their supernumerary eggs (often for a financial consideration) with other patients.

An exciting option for the future may be that of egg banking. A lot of research is being focused on developing more efficient methods to cryopreserve and store eggs. If this becomes clinically practicable, then it may become possible to freeze a woman’s eggs or ovarian tissue when she is young, and store these for her in liquid nitrogen at -196 C, so that she can use her own “young” eggs in the future, whenever she decides to start her family!

The Bottom Line –

As ladies and men age, their capability to have kids diminishes, in spite of the fact that precisely when this begins to happen can fluctuate among people.

Over a populace, ladies more youthful than 35 and men more youthful than 40 have a superior possibility of having a kid than individuals who are more established. This is valid for normal pregnancies and for pregnancies considered through helped regenerative medications, for example, IVF (in-vitro preparation).

The role of Age in Woman’s fertility 

A lady is brought into the world with all the eggs she will ever have. As she ages her eggs age with her and their number and quality diminishes after some time. This is the reason her opportunity of having a child additionally diminishes after some time, particularly for ladies more seasoned than 35 years old.

Therefore it is hard to attain success in women who have crossed 35 age. Women with older age can easily have their baby but the woman might not get positive result with her own-eggs (because of her diminished ovarian reserve or poor egg quality). She can select IVF treatment with donor egg from our centre provided by We Care IVF Surrogacy.

Age and sperm

Men who are younger the age of 40 have a superior possibility of impregnating their partner than those older than 40. The quality of the sperm men produce appears to decay as they get of age.

Most men make a numerous new sperm consistently, however this is the fact that men who are above 40 have less motile and healthy sperm. The measure of semen (the liquid that contains sperm) and sperm motility (capacity to move towards an egg) decline ceaselessly between the ages of 20 and 80.


Fertility Treatment Process in India is not a one size fits all procedure. We understand that each family is exceptional – regardless of whether the woman is producing healthy eggs or she has reached above the fertility age (above 35), the male is able to give sufficient number of sperm or not. Fertility procedure is not at all same for all. All that matters is – the fertility issue in an individual. Some get conceive even after trying just basic fertility process while few face complication even with the advanced fertility methods. We can say the success outcome varies in each couple’s case.

Based upon your particular needs the specialist will make a customized treatment plan of, probably, different strategies. We Care IVF Surrogacy is one of the leading fertility agencies providing all the types of fertility procedure across the world. Underneath you can discover increasingly about what kinds of fertility techniques we perform at our workplaces – don’t hesitate contacting us if you need to know about any fertility treatment procedure or about the treatment cost. On the basis of your particular requirement of your fertility issue, we will make a customized treatment plan.

What the first option appears in our mind while undergoing Fertility Process?

At the point when you consider the common and most preferred Fertility Process in India, InVitro Fertilization (IVF) likely shows up close to the highest priority on your list, Right?There’s a purpose behind that.

IVF has been around for quite a long time and we all know that this is one and the best option to look forward attaining a pregnancy. The basic description you all might know or the essential thought behind IVF: joining egg and sperm outside the body in a culture under the guidance of the fertility team. But this is not just the only step, there are four to five steps incorporates in this Fertility Process in India. Well, there’s a great deal more to IVF that occurs before just creating the embryo or even after that. Here’s a more intensive glance at the IVF procedure in five stages.

Most Common Fertility Process in India – IVF Treatment 

IVF is ordinarily used to treat:

  • Older ladies with some fertility issues
  • Ladies with either blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
  • Ladies with endometriosis
  • Male who have low sperm count
  • Males who have been found as less motility of the sperm

This fertility process follows four to five steps accomplishing a single cycle.

IVF Process in Five Steps 

Enhancesthe egg production through the fertility medication –

You’ll be given fertility medication that will start a procedure called incitement—or super ovulation. These medication contain Follicle Stimulating Hormone—will advise your body to deliver multiple eggs other than the ordinary one egg for every month. These drugs incite the woman’s ovary to produce multiple eggs to get a positive outcome during the procedure.

The more eggs you produce, the more possibilities you’ll have a chances of successful fertilization during the IVF treatment.

The patient will get transvaginal ultrasounds and blood tests all the time during this course of medication in the IVF procedure to keep an eye on your ovaries and screen your hormone levels for the next procedure.

Expel the eggs

When the specialist confirms about the development of eggs and thinks that now there is the right time to retrieve the eggs from the woman’s ovary, the patient will supposed to get a hormone infusion that will enable your eggs to develop rapidly – injection known as ‘”Trigger-Shot”.

At that point, the woman will undergo a minor surgery—called follicular aspiration—to expel the eggs. This is commonly done as an outpatient medical procedure in your primary care physician’s office, as per the guidance of senior fertility expert.

During the technique, your primary care physician will utilize an ultrasound to control a flimsy needle into every one of your ovaries through your vagina. The needle has a gadget connected to it that suctions the eggs out each in turn.

On the off chance that this part sounds difficult, don’t stress—you’ll likely be given drug already with the goal that you won’t feel any inconvenience. You may encounter a bit cramp a while later during this step of Fertility Process in India, however this typically go inside a day.

Gather sperm from your partner 

While the eggs are being evacuated, female’s accomplice will give a sperm test. If the male’s sperm is found to be very low or say hard to penetrate itself, then either the specialist will go for IVF with ICSI technique or with the donor sperm (if there is the condition of advanced fertility issue in male). The couple has the option to decide to utilize donor sperm. The sperm are then gotten through a special wash for the fertilization.

Join sperm and eggs

Presently comes the piece of IVF Fertility Process in India that everybody’s the most acquainted with—uniting the best sperm with the best eggs. This stage is called insemination.

It for the most part takes a couple of hours for a sperm for the fusion with the egg. Your primary care physician may likewise infuse the sperm legitimately into the egg rather, a procedure known as intracytoplasmic sperm infusion (ICSI). During this procedure, a single sperm is injected into the egg directly for the fertilization. This technique facilitates the fertilization sooner than the standard fertilization.

If the sperms are motile and more than average in count, then the sperm gets self-penetrated into the egg’s wall for further process.

Embryo Transfer

This means movingthe embryo(s) into the woman’s uterus. How the process takes place –

When your eggs have been gathered you’ll get one more drug. This one is intended to prepare the coating of your uterus to get the embryos that will be moved go into you.

Around three to five days after treatment, the fertility doctor will put the embryos in your uterus utilizing a catheter. This procedure is usually performed while the woman is awake.

One or more two embryos are moved into the uterus of the woman in the expectations that at any rate one will embed itself in the coating of your uterus and start to create as a baby. There that rarely comes –multiple births – when more than one embryo successfully implanted into the uterine lining, which is the reason there gets multiple birth in IVF.

The subsequent stage after this step of Fertility Process in India is whether the methodology worked—performing the pregnancy test.

Closing Lines 

There are further more procedures of fertility procedures in India which when required is performed in the couple’s case. Sometimes both of the partner unable to have baby due to older age – by that time the best way is to either talk with the specialist whether IVF would work alone or if not then they might offer you to go for IVF with embryo adoption.

For each case of the couple’s infertility there gets the different Fertility Process in India and accordingly the fertility team will figure out the best method to work.You just have to keep faith on your doctor. But before that, it is more mandatory to go for the right fertility centre for your treatment and for this we are here for the best guidance!


ovulex ivf infertility basic: Pregnancy is the most beautiful journey for both of the partners – especially for the women, who carry the baby till maturity and up to delivery in own womb and take care of each do and don’t. It certainly seems that pregnancy is an easy task for the couples, it might look like its simple process, but in actual it is not! Sometimes the natural process doesn’t work properly and thus the couple at a point need assistance or guidance from the expert. When the couple is getting complication in having a child, either the woman or the male has fertility issues. And to know this, one must undergo fertility assessment test.

There are some signs and symptoms too, such as delayed menstruation in women, irregular cycles; in men, painful intercourse and so on. You can first fix an appointment with the gynecologist, the doctor will ask some questions (associated to the sexual intercourse, timings or how frequent you do and so on). Let’s begin with some description of a basic fertility medications that increases the chances of attaining pregnancy in women.

In the event that you are attempting to have natural pregnancy, however there is not any positive news coming, by that time fertility pills may help of the condition (basic fertility issue). Thedoctor may keep in touch with you a medicine for the fertility. You can generally decide on over-the-counter fertility medications to help your odds of pregnancy. Talk with your doctor about the success rate of the fertility pills.

The fixings in Ovulex have been exhibited through incalculable recorded examinations to adequately and securely carry equalization to most ladies’ hormones and help standardize menstrual cycles, just as the going with symptoms of PMS, as viably and securely, and generally more securely, than remedy hormone treatments (which means, without the regular negative reactions of synthetic medication treatments). This parity is basic to expanding your odds of getting pregnant.

Ovulex doesn’t over invigorate the woman’s ovaries to discharge numerous ova (eggs) all through your cycle, this is the most unique aspect about this medication. For some ladies, fertility issue is because of an abbreviated or unpredictable menstrual cycle. The fixings in Ovulex have a particular activity which takes into consideration a more drawn out ovulation period, giving the woman a more noteworthy chance to have a child by this method.

What else a woman needs to do?

A mix of herbs and prostrogenes are a portion of the fundamental fixings in Ovulex. If a woman is taking Ovulex, alongside standard exercise, appropriate eating routine, can help increment the woman’s odds of getting pregnant.

On the off chance a woman experiences hormonal unevenness, odds are you may not get pregnant without any problem. Ovulex balances your hormones to make the soothing egg release even more a chance. Adjusting hormones, for example, estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, and luteinizing hormone, are important to set up a woman’s body to get pregnant.

This medication assists with the ovulation term and builds the woman’s chances to get pregnant. Ovulex med is natural product and therefore there is no chance of any negative factor. In addition, the admission of this item doesn’t bring about numerous pregnancies, other than those that are normally obtained.

The Bottom Line 

When does pregnancy happen? Pregnancy happens when the embryo has been successfully created after the combination of the sperm and egg and gets attached into the endometrium of the woman for the development of the embryo into baby. From here the outing of woman’s pregnancy begins. Once the embryo successfully fixes into endometrium, pregnancy test is positive.

Ovulex and other fertility medication only help when the female has basic fertility issue, but when the female is found to be no result after having the medication too, then she needs proper fertility treatment to have a higher chances of pregnancy. Advanced treatments such as IVF, IVF with other advanced procedures and so on. These treatments are recommended only when the couple has been examined well for their fertility level and must have been tried the basic solution for the pregnancy.

As the lady gets more on the age, their level of fertility reduces and hence it is advised by all the doctors to have a child by appropriate age (under 35), because the female loses her capacity to be a mother after their 35 age. With moving age, there’s in like manner an extended risk for some clinical issues, for instance gentle endometriosis or extreme, tubal issues/damages, which can add to the lady’s less fertility level.

So, if you are planning to fulfil your dream of parenthood and facing any difficulty in the way of attaining your own kid, We Care IVF Surrogacy – the fertility agency team, is there for you. We are one of the leading fertility service provider – basic medication and advanced fertility solutions across globe. If you get stuck in any fertility hiccup, you can fix an appointment with our senior fertility specialist after talking with our fertility coordinators.

Best fertility solution in India: Infertility is not only limited to a country spreading worldwide. Many countries are having a variety of fertility solutions. India is one of the top countries for fertility treatments. In India, many clinics are available for fertility treatments. Patients from different countries are looking forward to treatment in India. India has established itself as one of the most desirable locations for medical services, including IVF treatment. We Care IVF Surrogacy will compile a list of India’s best IVF clinics. The best fertility solutions in India are serving many patients from early times. The fertility solutions in India are best because they provide treatments at affordable costs, the facilities and technologies they use during the treatments are best, the environment is friendlier, the success rates of the treatments are higher, and a vast list of solutions. The problems that can treat in the best fertility solutions in Indiaunable to conceive, having age more than 35 years, having conditions like PCOS, Endometriosis, obese or overweight, men infertility factors, etc. from several decades best fertility solutions of India are performing end number of treatments and treating many patients. The fertility solutions in India offer treatments like IVF, IUI, ICSI, surrogacy, and many more to patients. The new laws of surrogacy do not allow foreign patients to opt for a surrogate in India.

List Of Top 5 fertility solutions in India

In India, infinite solutions are providing a variety of infertility treatments to patients. The top five fertility solutions are: 

Top 5 Fertility Clinic in India

·         We Care IVF Surrogacy

·         Indian Surrogate Mother

·         Select IVF

·         Dynamic Fertility

·         We care IVFIndia

The centre has many branches in the world. They provide surrogacy to the patients who lost hopes of having their baby. Their costs of different treatments are affordable than other clinics. The treatments they offer are IVF, IMSI, IUI, donor facility, and Surrogacy etc. They provide VIP facilities to their patients. The centre also lends many surgeries like fibroids surgery at affordable costs. 

The centre offers treatments with advanced methods. The surrogates they provide properly match the intended parents based upon their physical appearance and biological qualities. The success rates of different treatments are high, especially for surrogacy. The centre provides many treatments like both types of surrogacy, surrogacy with IVF, surrogacy with donor egg, sperm, or embryo. They provide background information of the surrogate to the patient. 


We Care IVF India are the top-rated solution for fertility treatment in India. They have the highest success rates in a variety of solutions. Their costs for treatment are reasonable compared to different centres. They avail free fertility consultations for patients. They have a team of doctors with 30+ years of experience. The list of treatments:

¨ IVF 

¨ IVF with donor(egg, sperm, and embryo)




¨ Surrogacy


¨ Sperm Surgical Aspiration, etc.


Select IVF is one of the best infertility solutions in India. They offer various kinds of treatments at a very affordable cost. The facilities like counselling, staff, doctors, methods, and environment are best in the centre. The doctors and medical staff are well experienced and very cooperative with their patients. 

Their reasonable costs of treatment make it the best fertility solution in India. The Select IVF fertility solution offers treatments as:

¨ IVF treatment (In Vitro fertilization) 

¨ IUI treatment (Intrauterine Insemination)

¨ ICSI Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection 

¨ PGD/PGS with IVF

¨ Donor eggs


The Dynamic Fertility centre of India is coming under the top five best fertility solutions in India. The centre has the best infrastructure. The costs of various treatments are reasonable. The centre is the first preference for many infertile patients because of its success rates. They offer treatments, like:

¨ Female infertility treatments

¨ Male infertility treatments

¨ IVF 


¨ Advanced techniques – TESA/PESA, etc. 

The procedure of fertility treatments

The procedure of fertility treatments that is available in the best fertility solution in India. The treatments are:

  • IVF Treatment

In Vitro Fertilization is a well-known treatment. It is a type of ART. In the procedure of treatment, fertilization occurs outside the body. The doctors transfer the fertilized egg into the womb of a woman. IVF treatment helped many couples in their dream of becoming parents to their children. 


  1. STIMULATION: as a part of the procedure, the hormonal medication is advised by doctors to the woman, so she produces a quality of eggs.
  2. EGG RETRIEVAL: using minor surgery, the doctors recollect the eggs from the ovaries of a woman.
  3. INSEMINATION: by collecting sperm from semen provided by a man, the egg and sperm are put together in a petri dish.
  4. FERTILIZATION: after the Insemination procedure, the fertilization takes place, an embryo forms.
  5. TRANSFER: The form embryo transfer in the womb of a woman with the help of a thin tube (catheter). 

The doctor advises the patient to undergo of pregnancy test by testing blood samples. The pregnancy test performs after some days of implantation. The pregnancy test is positive, then the process of pregnancy will be natural. If the pregnancy test is negative, the cycle fails, the doctor advises a new treatment or repeats the previous cycle.

The treatment is helpful to the patient with blocked fallopian tubes, the woman with the age of 35 years, ovarian reserve, male infertility factors, etc. 

The success of the treatment is higher. A woman at the age of 35 has success around 40%. 

The cost of the treatment is between Rs. 90,000 to Rs. 1, 00,000 per cycle. The cost depends on the end number of factors in the best fertility solution of India.

  • IUI Treatment

In Intrauterine Insemination, procedure sperm is straightly put down inside the uterus of a woman. The procedure makes the fertilization process easy. The IUI makes the way of sperm clear to reach the fallopian tube. It will arrive in the eggs and fertilize. IUI is helpful for people facing Endometriosis, uterus problems, cervical issues, infertility in men, and unexplained infertility. In the treatment, less amount of medicines use. The treatment is less expensive and available in the best fertility solution in India.


Surrogacy is a process where a surrogate mother carries the baby of intended parents till the birth of the child. The fertilization takes place outside the body as IVF. Then the mature fetus transfer to the uterus of the surrogate mother. The parents compensate the surrogate with an amount of money for bearing their child and delivering. Surrogacy is helpful in the conditions like a woman with defective or no uterus due to any disease, failure in multiple IVF cycles, multiple miscarriages, etc. Surrogacy has the highest success rate compared to other treatments. Surrogacy treatment is an expensive method and is available with a variety of packages in the best fertility solution in India.  

  • ICSI

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in the treatment doctors collects sperm from the semen of a male partner. The sperms examine by specialists then healthy sperm is placed in the woman’s uterus to make fertilization easy. It is a helpful method for men with low sperm count, sperm motility, and male infertility; want to restrict the spread of genetic disease. ICSI is available in the best fertility solutions in India. 

  • PGD/PGS 

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis is a technique to diagnose the genetic diseases present in the patient’s embryo. Or Preimplantation Genetic Screening is to ensure the pairs of chromosomes (X and Y pairs). The cost of screening is reasonable in the best fertility solution in India. 


The donor eggs are available in the centres. The donor eggs are helpful for women with low-quality eggs, women with menopause, and women with high age. IVF with donor eggs has more success rates than conventional IVF at 60% success in the first cycle. The donor facilities are present in the best fertility solution in India.

  • IMSI 

Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection is a method used with IVF. The doctor carefully selects the sperm and injects it into the egg. The treatment is to help the men with the abnormal shape of sperm, sperm motility and failure in ICSI.  


Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) in this, a needle is inserted in the testis the fluid tissues aspirates, these tissues are processed in the laboratory and used in ICSI. Percutaneous Epidydimal Sperm Aspiration (PESA) no surgery is needed as a small needle passes directly to retrieve the sperm cells from the fluid provided by the male and prepared for use in ICSI. These advanced methods of SSR are present in the best fertility solution in India.

The top 5 fertility solutions in India are Select IVF India, Dynamic Fertility centre, Indian Surrogate Mother, We Care IVF India, and We Care IVF Surrogacy provides a wide range of treatments at appropriate charges. They are providing multiple packages to ease the burden of cost on the patients. Before selecting any treatments or clinics, visit the online sites of the mentioned fertility clinics. India has a wide range of advanced technologies, several doctors, the best infrastructure, affordable costs, and many advantages for infertility treatments. 

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With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.

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Disclaimer: Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India. No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

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