Each woman’s reproductive system is different and has unique uterus function! A Dummy Embryo transfer in India helps in evaluating the best path and the distance from the woman’s cervix to the appropriate spot in the uterus.
Dummy Embryo Transfer in India is a common process performed at the Best fertility Centre in India. This procedure may take place before or during the patient’s IVF cycle, whereas, an actual embryo is transferred in the middle of the IVF cycle in India. A complicated embryo transfer is associated with fewer chances of pregnancy rate thus Dummy Transfer Process in India is the best option to avoid any struggle coming in the way to achieve your pregnancy.
Dummy Transfer in India gives the fertility specialist a perfect technique required to do the actual embryo transfer. After this procedure, a woman gets a high chance of getting conceived via IVF treatment.
Dummy embryo transfer is also known as Mock embryo transfer. We also can say that Dummy embryo transfer is a trial run of the procedure of actual embryo transfer. Through this process, the specialist is able to determine the best path to the suitable landing place in the recipient’s uterus, this process also makes the specialist aware about the distance from cervix to the landing position, and ensure that there are no unforeseen bumps or hits (such as scar tissue, unnoticed fibroid etc.) all the way through cervix and the uterus.
Dummy Embryo Transfer in India though is a safe procedure but must be carried out correctly performed by the best and experienced fertility doctors.
The fertility experts of the couple will have a more clear view about the couple’s case; if the experts will recommend the couple to go for Dummy Embryo Transfer Process in India then the couple can go ahead of this process.
The Dummy Embryo Transfer may take place
A patient most likely is told to come for this procedure with a completely full bladder. Why so?
A patient is said to lie on the back with the feet in stir-ups. A speculum is used to assist the specialist to place the catheter into the cervix and passes into the patient’s uterus.
The fertility doctor during the Dummy Embryo Transfer in India involves all these steps
There won’t be any embryos on the catheter during the mock transfer.
During Dummy Embryo Transfer Process in India, there won’t be any embryo on the catheter. The specialist at some cases injects a blue dye during this dummy transfer. Once the catheter is removed, the expert ensures no blue dye leftover on the tip of the catheter or at the cervical opening of the patient.
Almost No! Dummy Embryo Transfer in India is a safe process and hardly causes any risk. The risk of developing an infection is much less in Dummy embryo transfer process. A female may experience cramping but this pain is tolerable and soon it becomes fine.
If a female experiences a chill or fever, severe cramping, unusual bleeding, and intolerable pain then make sure to contact the specialist as soon as possible.
If the dummy embryo transfer takes place during the egg retrieval process, then a woman won’t even feel anything because at that time she will be under anaesthesia. A female after this process may experience mild cramps but it’s nothing to be worried about.
We Care IVF Surrogacy is one of the ongoing fertility centres that works best on fertility treatments (such as IVF, ICSI, IMSI, SSR and many more); since this centre gives utmost care and proverbial environment, this centre is preferred by several childless couples to get their own baby via suitable fertility treatment.
We Care IVF Surrogacy provides this procedure at reasonable cost. The charge of Dummy Embryo Transfer in India is wrapped up in an IVF cycle because this is the best package a couple can have. On an average, if talking separately, a Dummy Embryo Transfer Cost in India is around $250 – 500 (the cost may differ from one fertility centre to other).
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