An Ultrasound Scan in India sends the sound waves through the woman’s uterus or womb. These sound waves bounce off woman’s baby as the echo and these echoes are then changed into an image on the screen, which demonstrates the position of the baby and movements.
Do you know which things creates biggest echo? If not, then its hard tissues such as Bone of the infant. True, bone reflects on the whole sound waves and thus creates the biggest echoes. Hard tissues have white colour in the image while soft tissues appear as to grey. Amniotic like fluids surround the growing baby- these fluids appear black on the screen. Why black? This is because the sound waves go through with these fluids without any echo. The sonographer, who is performing this scan, makes aware the woman at the different shades in order to interpret the representation on the screen.
The first Ultrasound Scan in India is overwhelming because by this scan, a woman sees the first glimpse of her own baby. If you want to print out the image of your first pregnancy ultrasound then you can say this to your sonographer. This thing you need to ask with the centre or hospital at the beginning of the scan, the centre will likely charge this service apart from the ultrasound test cost or maybe this service won’t cost anything (depend on the centre). It feels very nice to have the first image of the baby and therefore some of the private centres have allowed the couple to download the picture of the scan to their phone.
The first-trimester of the Ultrasound Scan in India tests out the infant’s heart beat and also shows the basic anatomy of baby’s head area, abdominal wall and also the limbs.
Depending on the woman’s stage of pregnancy, the ultrasound test can:
Ultrasound Scan in India is either performed by the Sonographers (sonogrpahers are trained in taking ultrasound; they usually have the PG certificate or master’s degree in the domain of medical ultrasound).
We Care India is one of the foremost diagnostic centres and also this centre provides best fertility solution and treatment to the couples (who have been trying to attain pregnancy or getting any barrier in the way of their pregnancy).
Usually most of the ultrasounds tests are performed after 10 weeks of the pregnancy confirmation and are done abdominally. During the first step of this scan, some gel is placed on the woman’s belly, the experts rubs the hand-held device on the area of belly with the intention to show the image of an infant baby.
Pregnant women for an abdominal ultrasound scan of her first trimester, has to come to the clinic before drinking a few glasses of water. Why it’s so? This is because full bladder pushes the pregnant woman’s uterus up out of her pelvis and this allows a better image on the screen during the ultrasound scan test.
An abdominal scan is typically painless apart from the gentle uneasiness of the medical device pressing on the patient’s belly if she has got a really full bladder. If a woman experiences pain, then she should tell the sonographer. At this time, the sonographer could say the patient to empty her bladder, which later can scan more leisurely.
A woman is not required to fill the bladder for her third trimester because at this time, the baby is grown up and amniotic fluid around the baby helps to create the echo that reflects on the screen. Women, who prefer a vaginal scan, their scan are performed best with an empty bladder.
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