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Sperm Freezing in India: Cryopreservation or freezing is the technique where cells or entire tissues are saved or preserved by cooling to low below zero temperatures, for example, (ordinarily) – 196 °C (the breaking point of fluid nitrogen). At these low temperatures, any natural movement, including the biochemical responses that would prompt cell passing, is successfully halted. So to put it plainly, freezing method in infertility words, is the method of the assisted reproductive technique – ART method, where the pro at a low temperature freezes the eggs/semen or the embryos in a fluid nitrogen (- 196 °C) for the future use (at whatever point the couple is prepared to have a baby).

What does sperm freezing mean? Sperm freezing India is the method of the semen assortment, semen breaking down and afterward putting away of the sperms for certain occasions. This sperm test can be later utilized for fertility drug or giving the sperm to that couple, wherein the male accomplice unfit to release sound and motile sperms for treatment, same sex female accomplice additionally is profited by sperm freezing process. This technique is otherwise called cryopreservation or sperm freezing.

There are four to five stages, which comes in the technique of Sperm freezing India

  • The initial phase in Sperm freezing India includes the male-screening for the contamination like HIV, Hepatitis and so on.
  • Second is where the male provides his semen sample to the fertility centre for further process
  • Once the sperm is gotten by the fertility team, it is send to check the sperm motility and the sperm count.
  • Then freezing of the sperms (those are able and motile)
  • The storage of the sperm – cryopreservation technique

How the sperms are gathered and cryopreserved?

The male from the outset needs to undergo with some blood tests, starting exams like HIV, Hepatitis B and C. Male, who select to give a semen sample at the fertility lab will be given a private room and clean holder as well for the procedure to collect the semen. The male has either a decision to gather his semen sample at home or in the clinic also however it is compulsory that he should utilize sterile container (so as to not to bring on any damage at the example quality).

To get great outcome, it is recognized to a male to go without discharge for three to five days before giving his example in the center. In the event that the male has discharged as of late not long before giving his example, at that point the sperm tally might be low.

What number of sperms will happen in semen-this thing rely on the male factor fertility too and the length of the time since the male has done last discharge. For the most part, semen test from a solitary discharge may comprise of 20 million to 200 million sperm. If possible, the specialist will say the patient to forbearance from the discharge (for at least three to four days) before delivering the semen to the centre. It generally takes guys 3-5 days to deliver a semen test with ideal sperm tally (the nature of the sperm may break down over shorter or longer times of restraint) and that’s the reason why the doctor say the male to abstinence for three to five days to get better quality of the sperm.

It is favored that the example be gotten by manual ejaculation (masturbation). There are private rooms at the office that might be utilized for this reason. In the event that you decide to create the example at home, kindly don’t utilize any greases as these items may bargain the nature of the example. The sample by the male must be gathered in a sterile container, which you may get from our research facility at We Care IVF Surrogacy.

How the Semen Sample is processed for the Sperm freezing?

A complete semen analysis is then performed. This includes semen volume, liquefaction and viscosity, sperm count, motility, forward progression, and morphology.The required screening HIV-1, HIV-2, HTLV-I, HTLV-II, Hepatitis B core Antibody, Hepatitis C Viral Antibody, Gonorrhea CultureHepatitis B surface Antigen Syphilis, and CMV.

After the complete analysis of the male, the sperm is gathered in a sterile compartment, when the fertility center specialists gather this example, at that point break down this example to identify the pH level, thickness, volume and tallies. At that point sperms are envisioned under magnifying lens to assess motility, sperm tally, its morphology (what it looks like) and some different factors too.

When the sperm is investigated and examined, it is blended in with an arrangement and the temperature is decreased, approx. 50-60% of the sperm will get by during this strategy that is Sperm Freezing India. The male, who is picking this strategy, needs to give beginning expense of freezing charges of Sperm Freezing Cost India. The cost will depend of how many months the male requires to freeze his semen sample at the fertility laboratory.

The Bottom Line –

Sperm freezing is the best option for those men who are undergoing for major treatment or for chemotherapy because such treatments directly cause harm to the sperm count and its motility. The sperms which have been donated by the donors (donor sperm) also is preserved by the same technique – sperm cryopreservation or sperm freezing technique. The one who wants this option for any reason, need to undergo for some tests before the procedure in order to know the exact fertility assessment of his sperm. A fertility team of We Care IVF Surrogacy will draw blood at the time of the initial visit. Screening will be performed by the best centers provided by our organization.


ovulex ivf infertility basic: Pregnancy is the most beautiful journey for both of the partners – especially for the women, who carry the baby till maturity and up to delivery in own womb and take care of each do and don’t. It certainly seems that pregnancy is an easy task for the couples, it might look like its simple process, but in actual it is not! Sometimes the natural process doesn’t work properly and thus the couple at a point need assistance or guidance from the expert. When the couple is getting complication in having a child, either the woman or the male has fertility issues. And to know this, one must undergo fertility assessment test.

There are some signs and symptoms too, such as delayed menstruation in women, irregular cycles; in men, painful intercourse and so on. You can first fix an appointment with the gynecologist, the doctor will ask some questions (associated to the sexual intercourse, timings or how frequent you do and so on). Let’s begin with some description of a basic fertility medications that increases the chances of attaining pregnancy in women.

In the event that you are attempting to have natural pregnancy, however there is not any positive news coming, by that time fertility pills may help of the condition (basic fertility issue). Thedoctor may keep in touch with you a medicine for the fertility. You can generally decide on over-the-counter fertility medications to help your odds of pregnancy. Talk with your doctor about the success rate of the fertility pills.

The fixings in Ovulex have been exhibited through incalculable recorded examinations to adequately and securely carry equalization to most ladies’ hormones and help standardize menstrual cycles, just as the going with symptoms of PMS, as viably and securely, and generally more securely, than remedy hormone treatments (which means, without the regular negative reactions of synthetic medication treatments). This parity is basic to expanding your odds of getting pregnant.

Ovulex doesn’t over invigorate the woman’s ovaries to discharge numerous ova (eggs) all through your cycle, this is the most unique aspect about this medication. For some ladies, fertility issue is because of an abbreviated or unpredictable menstrual cycle. The fixings in Ovulex have a particular activity which takes into consideration a more drawn out ovulation period, giving the woman a more noteworthy chance to have a child by this method.

What else a woman needs to do?

A mix of herbs and prostrogenes are a portion of the fundamental fixings in Ovulex. If a woman is taking Ovulex, alongside standard exercise, appropriate eating routine, can help increment the woman’s odds of getting pregnant.

On the off chance a woman experiences hormonal unevenness, odds are you may not get pregnant without any problem. Ovulex balances your hormones to make the soothing egg release even more a chance. Adjusting hormones, for example, estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, and luteinizing hormone, are important to set up a woman’s body to get pregnant.

This medication assists with the ovulation term and builds the woman’s chances to get pregnant. Ovulex med is natural product and therefore there is no chance of any negative factor. In addition, the admission of this item doesn’t bring about numerous pregnancies, other than those that are normally obtained.

The Bottom Line 

When does pregnancy happen? Pregnancy happens when the embryo has been successfully created after the combination of the sperm and egg and gets attached into the endometrium of the woman for the development of the embryo into baby. From here the outing of woman’s pregnancy begins. Once the embryo successfully fixes into endometrium, pregnancy test is positive.

Ovulex and other fertility medication only help when the female has basic fertility issue, but when the female is found to be no result after having the medication too, then she needs proper fertility treatment to have a higher chances of pregnancy. Advanced treatments such as IVF, IVF with other advanced procedures and so on. These treatments are recommended only when the couple has been examined well for their fertility level and must have been tried the basic solution for the pregnancy.

As the lady gets more on the age, their level of fertility reduces and hence it is advised by all the doctors to have a child by appropriate age (under 35), because the female loses her capacity to be a mother after their 35 age. With moving age, there’s in like manner an extended risk for some clinical issues, for instance gentle endometriosis or extreme, tubal issues/damages, which can add to the lady’s less fertility level.

So, if you are planning to fulfil your dream of parenthood and facing any difficulty in the way of attaining your own kid, We Care IVF Surrogacy – the fertility agency team, is there for you. We are one of the leading fertility service provider – basic medication and advanced fertility solutions across globe. If you get stuck in any fertility hiccup, you can fix an appointment with our senior fertility specialist after talking with our fertility coordinators.

The We Care IVF Surrogacy is the best IVF centre in Pakistan because it offers an affordable IVF cost which ranges from 4000 to 5500 USD. if we compare this cost with other fertility centres available in different countries then you will find, that IVF cost in Pakistan is reasonable. You can seek IVF in Pakistan without any doubt or second thoughts. 

Pakistan is equipped with a great medical industry that offers the best IVF treatment at affordable cost. In recent years, the healthcare sector of Pakistan has shown good development. Several recognised fertility centres are available in Pakistan that take care of patients struggling with infertility. 

Pakistan delivers the best quality IVF treatment with emotional and psychological care and support. Here, personalised care and support are also offered to patients facing infertility. So if you are also facing infertility, and want to cure your infertility at pocket-friendly prices then choose Pakistan as your next destination to achieve parenthood. It’s because IVF cost in Pakistan is under the budget of everyone seeking infertility. 

Introduction to IVF in Pakistan 

Introduction to IVF in Pakistan
Introduction to IVF in Pakistan

IVF refers to the fertility treatment that cures the infertility of couples. IVF treatment involves the fertilisation to create an embryo which is implanted into the uterus of the surrogate mother or woman who is going to carry the pregnancy. IVF is a reproductive arrangement in which eggs are collected from the intended mother or donor and sperm are collected from the intended father or donor, in case of poor-quality of gametes. Both eggs and sperm are fertilised together on the laboratory dish to form an embryo which is implanted into the uterus of the woman or surrogate to develop the pregnancy. 

What is the procedure for IVF in Pakistan?

What is the procedure for IVF in Pakistan?
What is the procedure for IVF in Pakistan?

The procedure of IVF in Pakistan takes 4 to 6 weeks. With the help of a fertility doctor, you will get a successful IVF without any complications. So the following are the steps of the IVF procedure: 

Consultation with the IVF practitioners to discuss the important factors such as the cause of infertility, success rate of IVF, cost of IVF, any complications or previous medical issues, etc. 

After, stimulation of the ovaries is performed to produce multiple eggs. This procedure requires a hormonal injection to the intended mother or donor. 

Once eggs are matured or developed, it is retrieved from the uterus of the woman with the help of a catheter (a thin tool inserted into the uterus of the woman to collect eggs). 

On the day of egg collection, sperm are collected from the male partner through masturbation. 

Both eggs and sperm are combined in the laboratory dish to produce an embryo. The resulting embryo is then implanted into the uterus of the woman to develop the pregnancy. 

The result of the IVF is confirmed with the help of a blood test. If the results are positive then you can welcome the baby. However, if the results are negative then multiple attempts of IVF are practised.   

Why is IVF considered?

If you are struggling with infertility. It’s the disorder that prevents you from conceiving naturally. In this case, you have to take the help of IVF (treating infertility). So if you want to undergo IVF, you need to fulfil some eligibility criteria such as: 

  • Women must be under 35 years old. 
  • If the women have poor-quality eggs then your fertility doctor will recommend IVF. 
  • Women with issues of damaged or blocked fallopian tubes. 
  • Women facing endometriosis.  
  • Individuals with male infertility (low sperm count, poor sperm motility, foamy urine, etc)
  • You have to choose IVF, if you do not want to inherit genetic disorders to your child. 
  • If the egg and sperm quality are low then you need to use IVF. 
  • If one of the spouses suffers from cancer. 
How much does IVF cost in Pakistan
How much does IVF cost in Pakistan

IVF cost in Pakistan 

The cost of IVF in Pakistan is budget-friendly, because of the availability of several number of IVF centres which come with improved technology, experienced and qualified expertise or IVF practitioners, high success rates, emotional and financial support from the IVF centre, location of the IVF centre, the success rate of the centre, etc. IVF cost in Pakistan varies depending on factors such as medical procedure charges, doctor charges, consultancy fees, personalised care charges, laboratory fees, additional services (PGD, ICSI, IUI, etc.), donor charges, etc. 

Additionally, when IVF is combined with other ART techniques then the charges increase. IVF is the fertility treatment available for both male and female infertility and its cost ranges from 4000 to 5500 USD based on the individual’s case as every patient is different so their cost will be different. If we talk about Pakistani currency, it ranges from 400000 to 650000 PKR (Pakistani rupee). The cost of IVF can also vary from hospital to hospital, city to city or country to country. With the help of the following table, you will understand the cost of IVF in Pakistan: 

IVF program in Pakistan  IVF cost in Pakistan (PKR)
IVF using self-egg  600000 
IVF using an egg donor  650000
IVF using a sperm donor  450000
IVF using ICSI  450000
IVF using TESA  470000
IVF using MESA  500000
IVF using PESA  500000 

With the help of the following table of IVF cost in Pakistan, you will understand the cost of IVF in different parts of Pakistan: 

IVF in Pakistan  IVF Cost in Pakistan (PKR) 
IVF Cost in Karachi  400000 to 650000 
IVF Cost in Lahore  450000 to 600000 
IVF Cost in Punjab  456000 to 690000 
IVF Cost in Gilgit   429000 to 620000 
IVF Cost in Balochistan  400009 to 600000 
IVF Cost in Quetta  482600 to 600000 
IVF Cost in Peshawar  410000 to 650000 
IVF Cost in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa  450000 to 610000 
IVF Cost in Islamabad  400000 to 630000 
IVF Cost in sindh  400000 to 600000 
IVF Cost in Bahawalnagar  436000 to 650000 
IVF Cost in Faisalabad  431000 to 620000 
IVF Cost in Jhang  439000 to 600000 
IVF Cost in Hafizabad  464000 to 600000 
IVF Cost in sialkot  427000 to 635000 
IVF Cost in sahiwal  451000 to 600000 
IVF Cost in Multan  493000 to 600000 
IVF Cost in Banbhore  400000 to 610000 
IVF Cost in Mianwali  400000 to 610000 
Elements affecting the cost of IVF in Pakistan
Elements affecting the cost of IVF in Pakistan

Knowing the factors that affect the cost of IVF in Pakistan is essential because it helps individuals plan the budget for the treatment. Knowing every factor in detail helps to make the IVF procedure smooth without any stress or financial issues. It’s because you will already be aware of the following things:

Medical charges: IVF treatment takes 4 to 6 weeks to complete medical procedure. This medical procedure is performed by the IVF specialist in the laboratory to create an embryo. So its charges are added to the cost of IVF. 

Expertise: The IVF procedure involves experienced and skilled IVF specialists to perform IVF and provide consultation to infertile individuals. These highly profiled doctors charge a great amount which is added to the cost of IVF. 

Location: The fertility clinic’s location including the city or area also increases the cost. Different fertility centres have different costs. Likewise, different places have different costs. So choose the fertility which offers affordable IVF and is established in a favourable area. 

Success rate: fertility centres with high success rates charge more amount compared to other fertility centres. 

Number of IVF attempts: sometimes for some couples, it is hard to conceive on the first attempt, so it requires multiple attempts to get successful IVF. 

What’s the success rate of IVF in Pakistan?

The success rate of IVF in Pakistan relies on several factors such as the age of the woman, egg quality and sperm quality, and the production of both. It’s because when the egg and sperm are of good quality then the fertilization is likely to happen. Hence, it is advised to fertility experts that you need to do IVF treatment under 37 years of age, with the use of advanced technology and different types of methods. Woman under the age of 35 years has a high chance of conceiving a baby and women above 35 years have a low chance of conceiving a baby. So the success rate of IVF in Pakistan ranges from 80 to 98%. 

The following table helps you to understand the success rate of IVF in Pakistan: 

IVF treatment in Pakistan  Success rates of IVF in Pakistan  
IVF with self-eggs 50 to 90%
IVF with self-sperm 55 to 80%
IVF with donor eggs 70 to 85%
IVF with donor sperm 73 to 87%
IVF with FET 60 to 65%
IVF with ICSI 50 to 65%

Why Choose We Care IVF Surrogacy in Pakistan?

Why Choose We Care IVF Surrogacy in Pakistan?
Why Choose We Care IVF Surrogacy in Pakistan?

We Care IVF Surrogacy- “Believe us, parenthood comes to you”

We Care IVF surrogacy has been a major player in the field of providing fertility treatment. Our fertility centre comes with a mission of building families to achieve successful parenthood. Mostly, we help couples who are facing hopelessness due to their infertility conditions. With our professionalism, utmost care and effective treatments, we can ensure you have the child in your hand. 

It’s been more than 10 years and we have been working in the fertility industry to provide the best assisted reproductive technology such as such as IVF, ICSI, IUI, etc. We specialise in the fertility industry. We offer IVF and surrogacy with proper guidance and care throughout the process of infertility treatment, with our help, you can get the best customizable treatment plan according to your infertility conditions. 

We ensure emotional and psychological support to every patient getting treatment from our centre. So don’t wait, contact us at +91 989 929 3903 or [email protected], 26/18 West Patel Nagar, New Delhi, 110008

and start your journey to parenthood. 

Last words 

In short, our article carries information about IVF cost in Pakistan. IVF is an infertility treatment which is available in Pakistan. It helps couples facing the issue of infertility.  With the help of IVF, you can get the life as a parent. IVF is a 6-week procedure equipped with steps like ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, sperm collection, fertilization, embryo transfer and pregnancy test. 

At We Care IVF Surrogacy, we take care of our patients struggling with infertility. We are available in Pakistan at affordable prices of IVF. you will get a high success rate with the help of our advanced technology tools. We have resolved several issues of infertility and now our commitment is to provide happiness to every couple in the world facing infertility. 

At last, we advise you, if you are also facing infertility and searching for the best IVF centre in Pakistan then choose us as we are the best centre with premium quality work at affordable prices along with high success rates.

FAQs (frequently asked questions)

Is IVF allowed in Pakistan?

Yes, IVF is allowed in Pakistan for couples facing infertility. IVF (in vitro fertilization) is legal in Pakistan to resolve the issue of infertility. So Pakistani couples who are unable to get pregnant through natural insemination can get the help of IVF. Couples can get the healthy via IVF. 

How successful is IVF in Pakistan?

IVF success rate in Pakistan ranges from 80 to 98% depending on the case of the individual. Several factors decide the success rate of IVF such as the age of the individuals, expertise of the doctors, number of IVF attempts, type of method or technology used, etc. 

Which hospital is best in Pakistan for IVF?

We Care IVF Surrogacy stands out as the best IVF centre in Pakistan that offers the best IVF treatment. This fertility centre provides several infertility treatments such as the IVF, surrogacy, ICSI, IUI, etc to help couples cure infertility. All the treatments in this fertility centre are available at affordable cost with a high success rate. 

How does IVF cost in Pakistan?

The cost of IVF in Pakistan ranges from 450000 to 650000 depending on the case of the individual. However, the cost of IVF in Pakistan is affected by so many factors such as the previous health condition of the individual, age of the individual, the success rate of the treatment, location of the centre, medical procedure charges, IVF practitioners charges, consultation fees, laboratory charges, etc.

Read Also:-

  1. Gynecologist in Mumbai
  2. IVF Cost in Argentina
  3. test tube baby cost in India
  4. Surrogacy cost in Gurgaon
  5. Best fertility solution in India

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With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.

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Disclaimer: Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India. No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

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