Surrogacy Cost in India


Though the very expansion in the medical industry has its wings widespread over the sky-line of patients and its intended faces, Surrogacy similarly has shown itself a ray of hope for those who are suffering from fertility problems all over the world. Originated in India, IVF Surrogacy has been a one-stop destination to such kind of solutions accountable to come with a reliable range of Surrogacy Rates in India. Though foreigners ought to step in India in concern to complete their families, India appears as the best option making to the intended people to smile better than the cost of U.S. Yes, Surrogacy in India Cost is meant to please as, for what they may cost about $50,000 to $100,000 in the U.S., but cost only around $25,000 in India.

At We Care Experts, we comprehend you precisely; there are only intended parents who almost think Surrogacy India Cost (Financial Responsibility for the Entire Pregnancy Process). This comes paying for IVF, all doctor’s or midwife visits, tests and procedures.

Often, the intended parents are likely to pay for any travel costs the surrogate deserves for travelling to prenatal check-ups, buying maternity clothes and buying food. On top of this, you may also pay a Surrogacy in India Cost to the surrogate and the agency if you used one. On the whole, using a surrogate in India may cost a couple anywhere from US$17,000 to $25,000. Altogether this includes all medical cost. Also, the cost of airfare and stay in India are additional.


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    What is Surrogacy in India?

    India As A Perfect Surrogacy Destination


    For the past few years, Surrogacy has been very beneficial ART option for all those couples, who have been facing a severe childless issue. During the past decades, particularly from 2012, India has gained much popularity in the Surrogacy world. In fact, according to the latest data circulated by the CII (Confederation of Indian Industry), the surrogacy domain in India rose to more than 2.5 thousand million dollars during the early years.

    Currently, Surrogacy law India doesn’t allow access for abroad or foreign inhabitants, except in some situation.

    According to the Surrogacy Bill 2016, Surrogacy procedure is allowed to all the Indian citizens and also non-residents as long as they meet given requirements –

    • The individual must have a birth certificate of India, the individual is supposed to be a resident of India, or the foreign citizen has tied their knot of marriage with one of an Indian citizen.
    • Married heterosexual couples with a proven medical report
    • The couple must have been married for at least.
    • The surrogate must be a close family member of the intended couple


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      Surrogacy is customised into two parts

      Surrogacy Package in India Customized for You

      1+ 1 ) Surrogacy Package customised for you



      This package is available only if there are extra embryos formed out of first attempt treatment with either self eggs or donor’s eggs

      Everything in this package is same as for one attempt package except that additional charges of $6000 only are payable in addition to the charges at first attempt if the same surrogate is used or $8000 if different surrogate used every effort.

      These additional charges are payable at the time of initial or Stage 1 of payment. Thus if you opt for the same surrogate every time, you pay $13,000 ( $7000+ $6000 ), if the same surrogate is to be used or $15,000, if a different surrogate is to be used every attempt.
      Payments for the rest of the stages are similar

      Any other charges not included in the above package are not included in the package such as your Airline travel, telephone bills, hotel bills, meals, taxi etc.etc.

      Disclaimer: “As  the  above  expenses  are  estimated  costs, actual  costs  might  differ  from  these  expenses, and  therefore  fees  are  subject  to  change  without  notice.”


      Surrogacy Costs –3 cycles ( attempts 1+ 2 ) Surrogacy Package customised for you


      • Stage 1.
      • On confirmation on surrogacy with us ( Bank Transfer/Direct payment) $4000 for the self cycle ( own eggs ) and $7000 for Egg Donor cycle ( Indian Egg Donor). This involves surrogate recruitment, investigations, and medications and scans of a surrogate. If Egg Donor is included in the surrogacy, her initial investigations, scans and stimulation medications are performed.
      • Stage2:
      • On your arrival in India during the treatment process, $3000. This involves IVF charges, a Detailed surrogacy agreement, post embryo transfer follow-up. Sperm freezing etc.
      • Stage3:
      • After a positive pregnancy test result ( positive blood test-beta HCG ), $3000
      • Stage 4:
      • On completion of 12 weeks pregnancy $3000.
      • Stage 5
      • On completion of 28 weeks pregnancy, $3000
      • Stage 7.
      • On Delivery of a baby
      • Normal Vaginal Delivery of Single baby $2000
      • Vaginal Delivery of Twin babies $2500
      • Caesarean Section operation delivery $3000



      Thus the cost works out to $18000 for single baby vaginal delivery or $19,000 for Caesarean Section Delivery using your eggs. If the Egg Donor’s eggs are used, then the cost works out to $21,000 for single vaginal delivery or $22,000 for Caesarean Section delivery.

      The package mentioned above involves routine, standard pregnancy care. It does not include expenses for complications that may occur during pregnancy which necessitates additional care, investigations, hospitalisation, medications of such a pregnancy.


      Additional Expenses ( Optional )- not included in the above package


      • Freezing of extra embryos if available $1000
      • Fetal reduction procedure in case of more than two embryos surviving $1000
      • DNA testing—Court admissible test with one parent $8000
      • Baby passport and India exit visa fee $200 to $500
      • Pregnancy termination, if applicable $600
      • Fetal Reduction procedure, if applicable, $1000
      • Hospitalization of surrogate for pregnancy complications
      • Paediatrician’s charges
      • Neonatal intensive care and hospitalization charges


      Cost of Surrogacy in India


      The Cost of Surrogacy in India is far less compared to other western counterparts. Even it is more than half of the cost of surrogacy packages served in foreign countries.

      The Surrogacy Cost in India is approximate INR 12 lakh to 15 lakhs. If telling in USD, the charge of Surrogacy in India ranges from USD 17,000 – USD 22,000.

      As you can easily see and research by yourself how the Surrogacy Cost India is way cheaper than other western counter parts .If we talk about the Cost of Surrogacy in other countries, then here is the data representing the approximate value of Surrogacy cost in some of the foreign nations.


      Surrogacy Cost in all Countries

      Cost of Surrogacy in India is low-priced than other foreign countries.


      Discussing the Gestational Carriers reimbursement in Indi, the fertility centre pays at least USD $6,500 – $9,500 for the entire procedure. It is reduced considering the cost of surrogates in other countries.


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        Factors that affect the Cost of Surrogacy in India


        Some factors that affect the Cost of Surrogacy in India, are –

        • Experience of the doctor
        • Specialist experience
        • Legal process cost during the surrogacy
        • If the couple is using donor sperm or donor eggs
        • Clinic’s infrastructure


        How to Become a Surrogate Mother in India?


        The Surrogacy law in India requires the surrogate in India to be –

        • She must be within the age limit of 35 (not above)
        • She must have at least a single child of her own
        • Her past pregnancy or delivery should not have any hurdles
        • She must have taken consent from her husband
        • A surrogate must sign the entire surrogacy documentation before carrying the baby of the engaged couple.

        In India, traditional surrogacy is not permitted. Why so? Traditional surrogacy develops the emotional attachment or bond of the surrogate mother and the baby because of using the surrogate’s egg.


        When is Surrogacy right for you?


        Surrogacy in India is the endmost solution to have their baby when they have a severe infertility issue. Surrogacy, though it seems a complicated procedure, it’s not that complex. However, if a couple has outlined their surrogacy treatment in India, they should prepare about the Surrogacy Cost in India.
        A couple first has to undergo IVF treatment for the creation of an embryo to transfer. Once the embryo forms through the procedure of IVF fertilisation, the next step is embryo transfer. The healthiest embryo is placed into the surrogate’s uterus to carry the pregnancy. After successful implantation, the surrogate carries the baby in her womb for nine-month or till the delivery.

        We Care IVF Surrogacy team always guides the patient by introducing the most authentic Surrogacy Cost in India for their procedure. We are one of the fastest and largest healthcare platforms providing reasonable and matchless surrogacy treatment worldwide.

        If you cannot hold the embryo in your womb and have received multiple miscarriages, this is the right time to select a surrogacy procedure in India. If the female has undergone the surgery of hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), she needs Surrogacy in India to have her baby. The fertility expert of We Care IVF Surrogacy will analyze the case and will let the patient know whether surrogacy is suitable for the patient or not.


        We Care IVF Surrogacy also provides additional offers on the Surrogacy Cost in India

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          Disclaimer: Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India. No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

          Copyright © 2020 We Care IVF Surrogacy®. All rights reserved.