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If you and your partner are unable to become pregnant within a reasonable time and would like to do so, seek help. The woman’s gynecologist, the man’s urologist or your family doctor may be able to determine whether there’s a problem that requires a specialist or clinic that treats infertility problems.

Some infertile couples have more than one cause of their infertility. Your doctor will usually begin a comprehensive infertility examination of both you and your partner.

Before undergoing infertility testing, be aware that a certain amount of commitment is required. Your doctor or clinic will need to determine what your sexual habits are and may make recommendations about how you may need to change those habits. The tests and periods of trial and error may extend over several months.

Evaluation or Infertility Diagnosis in India under the centres provided by We Care IVF Surrogacy are affordable, and the expenses may not be reimbursed by many medical plans. Once the exact issue has been identified behind the individual’s fertility matter, an appropriate treatment is suggested to the couple so as to achieve pregnancy.

Tests for Men

For a man to be fertile, the testicles must produce enough healthy sperm, and the sperm must be ejaculated effectively into the woman’s vagina. Tests for male infertility attempt to determine whether any of these processes are impaired.

  • General physical examination –

This includes examination of your genitals and questions concerning your medical history, illnesses and disabilities, medications and sexual habits.

  • Semen analysis –

This is the most important test for the male partner. Your doctor may ask for one or more semen specimens. Semen is generally obtained by masturbating or by interrupting intercourse and ejaculating your semen into a clean container. A laboratory analyzes your semen specimen for quantity, color, and presence of infections or blood. Detailed analysis of the sperm also is done. The laboratory will determine the number of sperm present and any abnormalities in the shape and movement (motility) of the sperm. Often sperm counts fluctuate from one specimen to the next.

  • Hormone testing –

A blood test to determine the level of testosterone and other male hormones is common.

  • Transrectal and scrotal ultrasound-

Ultrasound can help your doctor look for evidence of conditions such as retrograde ejaculation and ejaculatory duct obstruction.

  • Testicular Biopsy –

This is a process, where the specialist retrieves a small portion of testicle for the examination behind the infertility matter. The biopsy is done by performing a minor incision in the skin of the patient’s scrotum. A small or say tiny, pea-sized amount of testicular tissue is retrieved. The patient might feel a bit discomfort after the procedure.


Tests for Women

For a woman to be fertile, the ovaries must release healthy eggs regularly, and her reproductive tract must allow the eggs and sperm to pass into her fallopian tubes to become fertilized by a sperm. Her reproductive organs must be healthy and functional.

After your doctor asks questions regarding your health history, menstrual cycle and sexual habits, you’ll undergo a general physical examination. This includes a regular gynecological examination. Specific fertility tests may include:

  • Ovulation testing-

A blood test is sometimes performed to measure hormone levels to determine whether you are ovulating or not.

  • Hysterosalpingography –

This test evaluates the condition of your uterus and fallopian tubes. Fluid is injected into your uterus, and an X-ray is taken to determine whether the fluid progresses out of the uterus and into your fallopian tubes. Blockage or problems often can be located and may be corrected with surgery.

  • Laparoscopy –

Performed under general anesthesia, this procedure involves inserting a thin viewing device into your abdomen and pelvis to examine your fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus. A small incision (8 to 10 millimeters) is made beneath your navel, and a needle is inserted into your abdominal cavity. A small amount of gas (usually carbon dioxide) is inserted into the abdomen to create space for entry of the laparoscope – an illuminated, fiber-optic telescope. The most common problems identified by laparoscopy are endometriosis and scarring. Your doctor can also detect blockages or irregularities of the fallopian tubes and uterus. Laparoscopy generally is done on an outpatient basis.

  • Hormone testing –

Hormone tests may be done to check levels of ovulatory hormones as well as thyroid and pituitary hormones.

  • Ovarian reserve testing –

Testing may be done to determine the potential effectiveness of the eggs after ovulation. This approach often begins with hormone testing early in a woman’s menstrual cycle.

  • Genetic testing –

Genetic testing may be done to determine whether there’s a genetic defect causing infertility.

  • Pelvic ultrasound –

Pelvic ultrasound may be done to look for uterine or fallopian tube disease.

Not everyone needs to undergo all, or even many, of these tests before the cause of infertility is found. Which tests are used and their sequence depend on discussion and agreement between you and your doctor.

Unexplained infertility –

In some infertile couples, no specific cause is found (unexplained infertility). Couples receivingthe diagnosis of unexplained infertility are more likely to seek multiple health care providers and be influenced by the experiences of family and friends or literature that promises new hope. Although infertility is unexplained, the pregnancy rate for these couples with infertility treatment is among the highest.

Treatments to solve male and female infertility issue –

Well, you must have heard about IVF or Test-Tube Baby, Yes this is one of the most successfully performed fertility treatment performed by the senior fertility doctors. IVF treatment is the advanced process that treat male and female infertility.

IVF is the treatment of ART – Assisted Reproductive Technology and most preferred fertility treatment to eradicate the issue of childlessness. IVF treatment is the process that work well for advanced fertility case, but when IVF is performed in the advanced fertility case, other ART technique is combined to ensure the couple gets positive outcome.

There are some basic treatments available to treat male and female (basic fertility) infertility issue such as – ovulation medication, stimulatory drugs, Intra-Uterine-insemination and etc.

Women having issue in menstruation cycle (ovulation), premature ovarian failure, endometriosis, then IVF treatment is the best option to go for to have a baby. Males who have low sperm count, for them IVF treatment with ICSI is well-suitable.

Summary –

Who we are? We are one of the emerging and fastest developing fertility platform serving all types of fertility treatments. Couples, who have been naturally trying to have a baby for the past twelve months (under 35 year couple), they need to fix the appointment with the best fertility specialist and undergo Infertility Diagnosis in India.

We Care IVF Surrogacy is the leading fertility agency giving the best fertility treatments to the individuals who are unable to conceive by their own.  For more info, you can contact our support team!


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With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.

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Disclaimer: Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India. No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

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