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The IVF, Surrogacy & Fertility Blog


Know on why the word- 21st century comes in vision when to discuss for expansion to the modern lifestyle. Yes, people name this word so after it is believed to have brought them near to breathe in dreamy lifestyle. Today, one may only move little to his/her fingers when to furnish his expectations well. Here, IVF Surrogacy adds itself in an attendance of world-class medical clinics ensuring one to live with latest technologies such as Surrogacy Procedure abroad in India, Kenya, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and the USA.

At We Care IVF Surrogacy, Surrogacy Procedure involves two parties: one intended parent who wish to have child, and other is surrogate, who is willing to help them to complete their family. After a little but brief discussion on Surrogacy Procedure, it is time to help you now with all stages of the preparation necessary for the unbeaten pregnancy and to ensure your journey smooth and comfortable. On the basis of your infertility issue, you may adopt one of the following options:

  • Where female partner gets unable to produce eggs, then surrogate eggs get combined with the intended father’s sperm in laboratory, and again transferred into the uterus of the surrogate who takes child until the delivery, known as traditional surrogacy;
  • When due to some reasons (uterine issues such as absence of uterus or surgery involved removing the uterus), female partner cannot conceive pregnancy to its full term, even when she is able to produce eggs. In this case, the eggs and sperm are removed from the couples and are combined to make embryos which then moved into the surrogate uterus for further growth, known as gestational surrogacy;
  • Another case comes in vision where not the intended mother’s eggs and not the intended father’s sperm are used to get the pregnancy one or both may be obtained from a donor. In this, intended parents are not biologically connected to the child, unless when the intended father’s sperm gets used to consider pregnancy.

Usually gestational surrogacy is preferred over traditional one. After the precise discussion over Surrogacy Process all these above-mentioned points take in surrogacy laws that need to be clear before going by any treatment procedure. Also the fee structure, like the travel, differs for each case. For instance, the use of donor egg will cost more than the use of the intended mother’s egg, while some carriers have greater expenses than others, and Surrogacy Procedure Cost varies among facilities.

The Procedure of Surrogacy 

Usually, surrogacy is performed in gestational way, where the surrogate carries the baby of the intended couple via IVF treatment. Although the significant role in gestational surrogacy is of surrogate only, but no legal rights are given to the surrogate for the baby or you can say she will never ever be the risk of your happy family in future. Surrogate is paid for keeping the baby in her womb for nine-months and nourishing the embryo well till delivery. At best surrogacy centres of We Care IVF Surrogacy, the surrogates are properly screened and qualified as a surrogate.

Gestational Surrogacy Procedure is followed by the treatment of IVF. The one who carries the baby of the intended couple is often called as gestational surrogates or gestational carriers. Surrogates can be friends or family of the intended couple as well or a qualified surrogates matched through the agency.

Most of the time, the intended couple is required to undergo the procedure of IVF treatment till the fertilization step.

Since surrogacy is long-delayed and most expensive procedure, there are loads of legitimate and some formalities that guardians need to experience and surrogate too, such as the bond/agreement before signing the contract of surrogacy.

In the first place, the surrogate and IP need to prepare. Ordinarily, before the procedure starts, both the couple and the surrogate might be required to experience careful assessment and lawful intercession for conversation on how the surrogate choice will influence their relational intricacies and connections. For this progression, we – We Care IVF Surrogacy will guide you all about the procedure of surrogacy.

Step by Step Guidance of the Surrogacy Procedure 

  • The female intended for Surrogacy Procedure experiences IVF medicines. The woman starts to take fertility medication and hormonal injections (stimulating the ovary), regularly for around fourteen day. Once the eggs are at the stage of retrieved, the very next procedure is egg retrieval is performed. That implies a needle, under ultrasound direction, is progressed into the ovaries to extricate eggs. Sedation is ordinarily utilized so as to avoid any discomfort of the patient.
  • The eggs are prepared with the male partner’s sperm of intended couple. This occurs upon the arrival of the egg recovery. The subsequent embryo are then refined in the fertility lab under the guidance of fertility experts for a few, ordinarily five, days.
  • The gestational surrogate, in the interim, has her own medications. She begins with estrogen while the female intended parent begins her IVF prescriptions. At the point when the IP female has the egg recovery, the surrogate is begun on progesterone. The coming about undeveloped organism is then moved into the gestational surrogate’s uterus, and the surrogate proceeds on the estrogen and progesterone to help the creating pregnancy.

More often than not a very single and healthies embryo is moved yet sporadically a few (max two) might be moved. The quantity of embryo is frequently indicated in the agreement of the Surrogacy Procedure.

  • The gestational surrogate and the intended couple experience the pregnancy procedure together. The couple will for the most part go with the surrogate to her pre-birth visits or some other clinical visits identified with the pregnancy, and are there for the introduction of the kid.This course of action can appear to be extremely unique from family to family.
  • After completing nine-month duration of the pregnancy, the surrogate delivers the baby and hand-over the baby to the intended couple according to the surrogacy legal law. Surrogate is taken care by our fertility team after the delivery and once she feels well, she is allowed to go from the centre.

Obviously, there can be different varieties to this procedure, as well. For instance, if the couple hasn’t found a gestational surrogate when of their egg recovery, they can at present proceed with it and freeze the eggs for a later exchange.

A few couples may likewise require donor eggs or may be donor sperm for the Surrogacy Procedure.


If you and your partner have undergone IVF treatment but could not make it happen due to your severe uterine issues/ absence of the uterus, then Surrogacy Procedure is the best way to have a hearty and healthy family soon.

Surrogacy is the only way for you to fulfil your dream at the same time it ensures childless parents have their parenthood, IVF Surrogacy is deliberate to educate its clients know surrogacy well by Surrogacy Process abroad in India, Kenya, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and the USA.

The surrogacy cost is different in different countries, for more information about the surrogacy cost and best surrogacy centres in your country, you can contact our support team!


Surrogacy is the procedure that incorporates three to four steps, beginning with the IVF process and then transferring the healthiest embryo into the womb (uterus) of the surrogate. A surrogate mother is also called as a gestational surrogate. Surrogates are the one who carries the baby from its embryonic stage till the embryo gets matured as a form of a baby with all the organs developed.

Surrogacy is one of the most advanced techniques of assisted reproductive technology and is performed when the intended mother is unable to carry the baby into her womb till delivery. This could be of various medical issues such as –

  • Absence of the uterus
  • Hysterectomy – a surgery of removal of the uterus
  • Repeated miscarriage (three at a row)
  • Severe medical uterine issue

Mentioned below a detailed view about the surrogacy stages; beginning with the selection of the surrogate mother and closing stage of surrogacy – that is the delivery of the baby by the surrogate mother. Let’s have a close look –

Surrogacy Stages – Step by Step  

Following are the various stages of Surrogacy Program:

Step 1: Review of General Information
This Website contains all of our general information. Please review this information and call the We Care office or e-mail us if you have any questions ([email protected]). Additionally, you may wish to e-tour the medical facilities you are considering and/or tele meet the physicians, embryologists, and/or staff members.

Step 2: Sign up
Once you decide to proceed with our program; you will need to send in your completed Intended Parent’s inquiry form with the detailed query and medical status of the intended parents.

Step 3: Surrogate Review
Most clients have an idea about what they consider to be desirable traits in a surrogate. We will discuss your “wish list” with you and send surrogate profiles for your review. Each profile includes a detailed medical history of the surrogate and her family over three generations, information about her physical appearance, personal interests, and her educational, employment, and obstetrical background. Pictures of the surrogate and her children are also included. You will choose your own surrogate based on these profiles.

Step 4: Surrogate Interview
Once you have selected a potential surrogate, we will share some of the information in your autobiographical sketch with her. If she is interested in working with you, you will have the opportunity to speak over the phone in an anonymous conference call organized through We Care. We will suggest some guidelines about issues that are helpful to cover in these phone interviews. It is fine to hold several phone interviews to help you find out all the information you require. Personal discussions between you and your surrogate are also encouraged because it helps increase the surrogate’s commitment to you and the program. Upon mutual agreement, the next step will proceed.

Step 5: Surrogate Contract
A surrogacy agreement will be sent to you for your input. The team of We Care IVF Surrogacy will help you contemplate some of the issues that need to be detailed such as amniocentesis, abortion, multiple birth payments, lost wage and child-care reimbursement, and insurance coverage. Sometimes negotiations are required, and we find that it can help your relationship if We Care facilitates these negotiations. The agreement will be reviewed by the lawyer appointed for this very purpose who will match the concerns of the surrogate and the intended parents to draft a legal document detailing each issue.

Step 7: Psychological Testing
All surrogates must undergo psychological testing with a licensed psychologist. We Care will organize this appointment and will receive a written report regarding the surrogate’s suitability. The results will be shared with you. You are also welcome to request IQ testing, drug and nicotine screening, or chromosomal analysis, at your additional expense. We Care will coordinate all testing as required. All of We Care’s surrogates are thoroughly screened before their profiles are distributed to any intended parents.

Step 8: Medical Testing
All parties involved in the conception of the child are required to undergo medical testing. If the couple is providing their embryo, the husband, wife, and surrogate must be tested. If an egg donor is used, the husband, ovum donor, and surrogate must be tested. We Care will provide direction about medical testing requirements and will have your doctor review all findings.

Step 9: Fertility Treatment
We Care will assist in organizing all medical fertility treatment by coordinating the medication protocols from the doctor in charge. Medications and their instructions will be sent directly to the surrogate.

The idea behind IVF is to harvest as many mature, good-quality eggs as possible. Large numbers of eggs retrieved does not always mean a large number of resultant embryos since some eggs may be too immature or too mature to progress into an embryo. With a standard semen sample, we expect a fertilization rate of approximately 80% of the mature eggs. The mother or egg donor is placed on a combination of fertility medications to increase the number of eggs produced in one cycle and to enable us to synchronise her cycle with that of the surrogate carrier. These medications are given by injection and start 21 days after the first day of her menstrual cycle. Close to the time of ovulation, the mother/donor will travel to the fertility centre where she will receive daily blood tests and ultrasounds.

According to the results of these tests, her medication can be adjusted to improve her egg production and to reduce the chances of hyper stimulation, which is a potential adverse side effect of fertility drugs. We will organize the payment of all expenses for the surrogate from your expense account. Instructions will be given to all parties about medications and retrieval dates. The surrogate carrier will take Lupron to help synchronise her cycle to that of the mother/donor. She will also take Estrace to increase her uterine lining so that it can accept the embryo for implantation.

Step 10: Egg Retrieval/Implantation
Transvaginal egg retrieval is now accepted as the preferred and safest procedure for egg collection. This will be done by the doctor with embryologists, anaesthetists and ultrasonographers assisting. A transvaginal probe is inserted into the mother’s/donor’s vagina, and a needle guide is placed onto the probe to allow direct and accurate access to the follicles. The eggs are removed through this needle guide. All women are given sedation before the egg retrieval through an intravenous line in the back of the hand. Most patients experience some discomfort; approximately 10% of the patients sleep through the procedure.

Oral antibiotics are routinely given to reduce the risk of infection, and an antibiotic cream covers the area before and after egg retrieval to minimise the possibility of a pelvic infection. On the day of the retrieval, the husband will need to produce a sperm sample for insemination of the eggs. If the sperms’ final count and motility are not adequate for conventional IVF, Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) can be done. This is a procedure that injects one sperm directly into the cytoplasm of one egg.

The embryos are incubated for three days before the embryo transfer occurs. Blastocyst transfers require a 5-day wait. Once the embryos/blastocyst reaches the desired stage, they are implanted into the surrogate’s womb.

Step 11: Pregnancy
The team of We Care will arrange the BETA HCG pregnancy test approximately 12 – 14 days after implantation was to have occurred. We always hope for a positive test result, and we certainly celebrate when that happens! An ultrasound will be done to detect a fetal heartbeat several weeks later.

Our surrogate program coordinator will provide support throughout the pregnancy. We will obtain prenatal pregnancy reports and share all information with you. Of course, by this time, you and your surrogate’s relationship will be more personal, and you will be calling each other as you wish. We will assist your lawyer with legal arrangements as required.

Step 12: Legal Arrangements and Birth
We Care IVF Surrogacy has formed excellent working relationships with various lawyers who are familiar with surrogacy laws. A draft of the legally binding agreement will be shared with you for approval. This will help you to understand the legal atmosphere in your surrogate’s country, India.

After achieving a pregnancy, We Care will compile all appropriate information and will work closely with the lawyer in charge of your baby’s birth. We Care coordinates the hospital, medical and legal issues involved at this time and offers emotional support to all.

Step 13: Baby Goes Home!!
It is your turn to take over. We Care has finished our work, but we always look forward to hearing about your baby in any way you would like to share with us! Pictures are always enjoyed! We wish you heartfelt good wishes for the years to come and look forward to working with you again if baby #2 is in the picture!

Timeline for Surrogacy Program

There is no waiting period for choosing a surrogate since we constantly replenish the pool of qualified fertility helpers from which you can choose. However, before any fertility treatments are started, you must select a surrogate, negotiate and execute an agreement with her, and complete medical testing. This will take an average of thirty to forty days. The fertility treatments themselves will take another 1-2 months. Depending on the success of the fertility treatments, you may achieve a pregnancy within 6-9 months. If multiple attempts and/or surrogates are required, it could take much longer.

Who Are We?

We are one of the ongoing fertility service providers that put forward the best fertility treatment. We do have a veteran team of fertility consisting embryologists, lab technicians, junior IVF specialist, senior IVF experts, and the knowledgeable fertility coordinators who assist the best.

Surrogacy in India has always been seen in the news for modifications and some changes. India, at one time, was the famous destination for abroad patient surrogacy; on the other hand now, India only permits Indian citizens for the surrogacy. There have been significant changes done by the panel of Indian law. Based on the Indian doctrine of surrogacy, the team of We Care IVF Surrogacy follows each step of surrogacy.

If you need any assistance/ have further query, then the support team of We Care IVF Surrogacy soon come back with the possible solution. You can either male us/ call us/ or fill the form.

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About We Care

With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.

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Our Locations


26/18, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi


Kathmandu 44600, Nepal


19 A Dniprovska Kiev 02081, Ukraine


Tbilisi, Capital of Georgia

Disclaimer: Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India. No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

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