Surrogacy in Georgia – What is the Surrogacy law in Georgian country?


Surrogacy has always been the most effective assisted reproductive technology compared to the rest of the fertility treatments. Surrogacy in Georgia is the best way to welcome your parenthood days by employing another woman – a gestational carrier / gestational surrogate. Gestational Surrogate, through the method of surrogacy, plays a crucial role. However, the surrogacy law in Georgia needs to be followed by each prospective parent, or the one, who is seeking the surrogacy procedure.

Laws that regulate third-party ART treatment came into existence amongst the citizens of Georgia in 1997. And since this year, individuals started to use these facilities to achieve pregnancy and fulfilling their dreams.

If we look and go deep into other assisted reproductive treatments, then we find that surrogacy is the only one, which gives surety to the intended couple to have their baby via this procedure. The stages of surrogacy are multiple and must be carried out in the best Surrogacy Centre in Georgia with a suitable and experienced surrogate mother Georgia.

Why surrogacy in Georgia, Tbilisi?

Georgia is one of the favourable states for Surrogacy treatment because of well-established parental rights and transparent laws concerning surrogacy contracts by the surrogates and the intended parents. The court procedure associated with the Surrogacy Law in Georgia is handled carefully with the clean steps announced by the officials. Georgian courts establish the firm parental rights for commissioning parents through a pre-birth declaratory judgment.

Following Georgia’s surrogacy regulations, our centre provides surrogacy procedures and techniques. Couples have the chance to start a family thanks to the legal process. The best treatment for serious infertility issues is surrogacy. It entails one woman helping another as she conceives a kid for a different marriage.

The fact that Georgia has legalized surrogacy causes difficulty for many couples, but we have the answers to all of your questions. The Georgian government has enacted surrogacy legislation that both permits and forbids certain kinds. To give the method that meets the requirements, we carry out the surrogacy procedure under the rules and regulations of the government. We make sure that everyone who is a part of the surrogacy process is maintained.

  • You must fully comprehend the technique as well as the legal requirements before agreeing to the Georgia surrogacy process.
  • Because surrogacy might change your life, you should consider your options carefully because you might need to put in a lot of work.
  • It is a drawn-out and complicated process, so you must follow all the legal requirements to protect the rights of all parties involved.


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    What is the legal concern and Surrogacy Law in Georgia?


    Surrogacy is one of the hot topics, which has been revolving around us for the past few years; over some years, several nations have begun to modify their laws of it. Many countries have entirely banned surrogacy practice, and some of the nations have changed several rules and regulations for it. Georgia is one of the most accessible states, where one can go for the surrogacy procedure without much complication. Surrogacy Law in Georgia is designed in a perfect manner providing a fully transparent structure of the laws to the intended parents and the surrogate too.

    Based on the law of surrogacy in Georgia, a surrogate mother has never been given any parental rights over the newborn. Let’s understand some of the important questions that usually come to the mind of the commissioning parent. Surrogacy law in Georgia provides the process for married or cohabiting couples. They can select the process to become parents successfully. Single parents and same-sex couples cannot select surrogacy in Georgia to achieve parenthood.

    • Only married heterosexual couples are allowed to use surrogacy services in Georgia; same-sex couples and single people will not permit.
    • Even if the child is born via surrogate, the prospective parents will enrol as the baby’s legal parents.
    • Before beginning the procedure, the couple must give their written approval.
    • It will establish them as the child’s legal parents and grant them particular rights and obligations.
    • The intended will still be the legal parents even if an egg donor assisted in the embryo transfer into the uterus of the surrogate mother.
    • The intended parents’ names must appear on the birth certificate as the child’s legal parents within 24 hours of the child’s birth.
    • The couple will continue to be the child’s legal parents, but the surrogate mother does not retain parental rights.
    • The Georgia surrogacy bill encourages both charitable and profit-making surrogacy partnerships.
    • However, an agreement stating the specifics of the payment to be made and the parties’ expectations must exist.
    • According to Georgia’s surrogacy law, the surrogate must surrender all of her parental rights to the kid after the child is born and must never acknowledge as the child’s legal mother.
    • Obtaining a birth certificate is a simple process that does not entail hiring a lawyer.
    • After the birth certificate is issued, the intended parents can take the infant to their nation at any time.

    Does Georgia give any pre-birth Parentage Orders?

    Yes, the court procedure of Georgia grants pre-birth parentage orders for the intended parents.

    1. If one of the partners says, a male cannot produce motile sperm for fertilization during the surrogacy and goes for surrogacy with donor sperm. What will be the right then?
    2. If the couple needs donor sperm for the accomplishment of surrogacy, then there would be no such legal rights given to the donor over the child born.
    • If surrogacy needs to accomplish using donor eggs, then what would be the case?
    1. If the intended mother cannot supply the exceptional quality of the eggs and wants to use donor eggs with surrogacy, then again the intended mother needs not to concern about parental rights. Surrogacy law in Georgia gives complete rights to the intended parents.

    Does the surrogacy law in Georgia accept embryo adoption in surrogacy?

    Yes, according to Georgian law, a baby from embryo adoption via surrogacy method relates to the intended couple only. The intended parents get all the parental rights of the newborn, provided that the intended parents and the legal embryo custodian have signed a written contract.

    Under the Surrogacy Law in Georgia, who can go for surrogacy treatment?

    • If you are a married heterosexual couple and using your eggs and own sperm
    • If you are married to a heterosexual couple and using a sperm donor or egg donor
    • If you are an unmarried (cohabiting) heterosexual couple and using self-eggs and sperms
    • If you are an unmarried heterosexual couple and using either donor egg or donor sperm

    In these conditions, the expert will suggest surrogacy in Georgia:

    • The female partner does not have a healthy uterus to become pregnant.
    • Also, the intended mother has severe diseases that will not support pregnancy and cause various problems.
    • Next, Your uterus has removed because of medical conditions.
    • Then, you have faced multiple miscarriages and pregnancy failures.


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      What in that case, where the embryo is not related to the genetic parent?


      According to the Surrogacy Law in Georgia, even if the couple is not genetically related to the child, then also there will be parental rights of the intended parents over the child.

      However, if the couple is not married, same-sex, or even single parent, then there would be some legal formalities required, such as the documentation of the embryos during IVF in surrogacy must be done.Once the child is born, some aspects need to be considered Surrogacy Law in Georgia

      Once the baby via surrogacy procedure is taken, the commissioning parent or Intended parent will deem as the actual Mother and Father of that child giving all the legal rights and responsibilities as a parent to them. The surrogate mother Georgia will not get any rights to the child.The birth certificate after the surrogate’s delivery is issued within 24 hours of childbirth.On the birth certificate, the name of the intended parent will mention.

      Which is the best surrogacy centre in Georgia?

      We Care IVF Surrogacy is one of the leading surrogacy agencies that have worldwide connectivity with the best Surrogacy Centre in Georgia. We specialized in performing surrogacy treatment giving the best experience all through the way of the surrogacy journey. The surrogates provided by our centres are all experienced with proper knowledge of carrying a baby in the womb.

      Also, we have assisted many couples with top legal authorities in becoming parents. We have provided top results for intended parents in becoming parents. Our highly VVIP services help in successful results and better process.


      At The End


      Surrogacy Law in Georgia provides all the parental rights to the intended parents without any delay, and the birth certificate is issued within a day to the couple. The birth certificate never specifies the name of the surrogate, and thus the declaration of the child born via surrogacy is the same as the birth certificate of other children. The surrogate mother is not required to give any consent for the registration of the intended parents as the actual parent of the baby.

      The Surrogacy centre issues the documentation of the embryo transfer into the gestational surrogate’s uterus in Georgia; an agreement is made by the infertile couple and the rest of the procedure such as the birth certificate and other documents is issued by the maternity hospital. The couple need not be worried about the process of the child’s birth certificate and does not require hiring a lawyer as well; the entire procedure is smooth. If the couple has visited Georgia for their surrogacy, then they can smoothly go to their country to take their child anytime once the birth certificate can issue.


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      Disclaimer: Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India. No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

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