Best fertility solution in Nepal: The following are the best fertility solutions in Nepal that help couples in conceiving their babies, and these are:
- IUI: IUI is the first-line fertility solution in Nepal for those couples where the cause of infertility is unexplained. It is a procedure in which the fertility experts place the male member’s sperm directly into the woman’s uterus near her egg during the ovulation period. It is a less expensive and invasive fertility procedure that takes a few minutes to complete.
- IVF: IVF is the best fertility solution in Nepal that helps couples conceive their babies. It is a fertility procedure in which the fertility experts at We Care IVF Surrogacy collect the eggs and sperm of the biological parents and fertilize them outside the woman’s body. Once the fertilization occurs, the embryologist picks the most active embryo/s and places them into the woman’s uterus to establish a successful pregnancy. Fertility experts usually recommend IVF to women below 35 and men below 40 to achieve the highest conception success rates. After this age group of men and women, it becomes difficult to conceive through IVF as their fertility goes down, impacting the overall success rates of the conception.
- ICSI: ICSI is a fertility solution in Nepal that treats male infertility issues. It is a procedure in which the fertility experts at We Care IVF Surrogacy extract male member sperm surgically from their ejaculate. Once the experts retrieve enough sperm, they directly inject a single sperm into each egg to facilitate the fertilization. Once fertilization occurs, the embryologist at this clinic will choose the healthiest embryo/s and implant them into the woman’s uterus to establish a successful pregnancy.
- Egg donor: Egg donor is the best fertility solution in Nepal for those women who were failed to produce enough eggs for fertilization. In this procedure, the fertility experts at We Care IVF Surrogacy collect the donor eggs and artificially fertilize them with the donor or recipient husband’s sperm to smooth the fertilization process. After successful fertilization takes place, the embryologist will pick the best and active embryo/s to transfer it into the birth mother’s uterus and wait for the pregnancy symptoms.
- Sperm donor: Sperm donor is a fertility solution in Nepal that is useful to treat male infertility factors such as low or poor sperm count, low sperm quality, etc. In this procedure, We Care IVF Surrogacy experts collect the donor sperm and artificially fertilize them with the woman eggs in the IVF lab. Once the fertilization occurs, the embryologist will transfer the formed embryo into the birth mother’s uterus. People looking for a baby through sperm donor procedure need to consult their doctor first whether the sperm donor treatment is feasible for them or not.
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET): Frozen embryo transfer is the best fertility solution in Nepal for couples to conceive a baby. It is a procedure in which the fertility experts use the couple’s left-over embryo/s from their previous fresh IVF cycle and transfer them into the woman’s uterus to establish a successful pregnancy. According to the study, the chances of conception with frozen embryos are higher than fresh embryos.
- Preimplantation genetic disorder (PGD): PGD is a fertility solution in Nepal through which the experts can diagnose the genetic disorder, if any, attached to the embryo/s, which impacts the growth of the child. Usually, this procedure is performed before the embryo transfer process. If fertility experts found any genetic disorder, they would treat it first before implanting the embryo into the woman’s uterus. It is a procedure that highly recommends to those couples who were dealing with any hereditary issues.
- Embryo freezing: Embryo freezing is an advanced fertility solution in Nepal in which couples can freeze their embryos at a young age and use them when they plan to build a family. The chances of conception are higher for those women who choose frozen embryos over fresh embryos.
- Laser Assisted Hatching: Laser Assisted Hatching is the most advanced fertility solution in Nepal. The fertility experts at We Care IVF Surrogacy hatch the eggs from their protective layer and directly place them into the woman’s uterus to establish a successful pregnancy.
- Tube reversal: It is the best fertility solution in Nepal for those women whose fallopian tubes got damaged or burned. In this procedure, the fertility experts will put back together women’s fallopian tubes that help them conceive a baby naturally. It is a surgical procedure in which the highly qualified & skilled surgeon makes a small incision in the woman’s lower pelvic area to operate the tubes. With the use of a microscope, the experts attach the small tubes with a small suture. On completing this procedure, around 50 to 70% of women can conceive a baby naturally. According to the study, this is the best fertility solution in Nepal for women below 40.
What’s the reason behind choosing We Care IVF Surrogacy fertility clinic for fertility solutions in Nepal?
The following are the reasons that people worldwide choose We Care IVF Surrogacy fertility clinic for their fertility solution in Nepal, and these are:
A) Quality of treatments: People will get the best quality of fertility solution in Nepal at We Care IVF Surrogacy as the experts at this clinic do not compromise the quality of the treatment.
B) Skilled Professionals: We Care IVF Surrogacy is a fertility clinic in Nepal that hires skilled & trained fertility professionals who have more than two decades of experience in treating routine and complex infertility cases.
C) Affordable fertility treatments: We Care IVF Surrogacy is a fertility clinic that offers affordable fertility treatments in Nepal, allowing each individual to avail the benefits of fertility treatments and enjoy their parenthood phase.
D) Use of latest technologies: The clinic experts use the latest & advanced technologies to treat male & female infertility issues and provide them with the best fertility solution in Nepal.
E) Success rates: To date, the success rates of fertility treatments at We Care IVF Surrogacy is highest in Nepal compared to other fertility clinics in Nepal.