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ART – Assisted Reproductive Technology incorporates several procedures that deal with infertility issues. Different process or treatment contend with different fertility hiccups. ART treatment is a catchall term for any fertility treatment, from the basic medication to advance treatment. Usually ART treatment follows a process where the specialist mixes the retrieved eggs and the partner’s sperm on the culture dish for fertilization, and then placing the outcome (embryo) into the woman’s uterus for the implantation. To make pregnancy and fertilization rate more likely, other techniques are sometimes used (in difficult case of fertility issues).

ART treatment work best in couples who have an issue with sperm or who have a finding that makes it hard for the sperm to treat the egg. Ladies who have been facing issue in menstruation or ovulation may likewise profit by ART, since an ART cycle incredibly expands the chances of an effective pregnancy each cycle.

ART technique is additionally the best alternative in couples who have unexplained infertility cause behind infertility. This is on the grounds that the chances of pregnancy are higher with every ART cycle, and ART can evade numerous normal however hard to-analyze issues. Couples who have attempted basic fertility medications without progress, just as individuals endeavoring to get pregnant without an accomplice, may likewise pick ART.

Let us talk about the most preferred ART treatment – IVF or Test-Tube baby treatment and its success rate. But before that, we need to pay our attention to all those factors that contribute significant effect on the success rate of the fertility treatment.

Factors affecting the Success Rate of an ART technique 

The main factors affecting IVF outcome include the following:

  • age of the woman ( and consequently, her ovarian reserve )
  • normalcy of the uterus,
  • partner’s semen quality
  • success or failure of fertilization and cleavage in vitro
  • number of embryos transferred and cryopreserved
  • adequacy of the luteal phase after transfer
  • Centre’s success rate and cases solved by the fertility specialist

In addition, success rates increase as the number of IVF stimulation attempts increase, probably ranging to a maximum of three to four stimulation cycles.

Success Rates of ART Treatments – Success rate of IVF – /Donor egg/ Donor Sperm/ICSI/IMSI

Average statistics may not apply to an individual patient or couple within an age or treatment group. Success rates vary depending on many factors including the causes of infertility, the adequacy of ovarian reserve ( as measured by cycle day – 3 serum FSH, LH, estradiol levels, and the clomiphene citrate challenge test ), and the number, maturity, and quality of eggs retrieved.

Success Rate of IVF Treatment 

The mean female’s age was 34 years (range 28-43 years), the average number of mature eggs retrieved was 11, and 45% of cycles provided embryos for cryopreservation.

  • The clinical pregnancy rate per transfer was 44%.
  • The mean number of embryos transferred was 2.18.

Not surprisingly, the pregnancy rates were directly influenced by patient’s age: <30 years: 50%; 30 – 34 years: 47%; 35 – 37 years: 48%; 38 – 40 years: 33%; and >40 years: 11%.

Success Rate of Donor Egg –

  • The average donor’s age was 26 years, and the donor egg recipients ranged from 34 to 49 years.
  • The clinical pregnancy rate per transfer of donor egg 65-70%.
  • The mean number of embryos transferred was 3.0.
  • Endoscopic surgeries prior to IVF treatment are performed in the We Care partner Fertility centres in India. Many women who are not able to conceive due to problems like fibroids.


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Donor Eggs, and Embryo Cryopreservation

Table 1 – IVF Success Rates

Cycle Type Pregnancy Rate/Transfer
Donor Egg ( n = 65 ) 51%
IVF ( n = 104 ) 46%
Cryopreserved / Thawed Embryos
( n = 55 )


Table 2 – IVF Results
(all stimulation protocols, includes ICSI)

Female Age Pregnancy Rate / Transfer Multiple Pregnancy Rate # Embryos Transferred
<35 Years (n = 75) 55% 33% 2.5
35 – 39 (n = 42) 35-40% 26% 2.8
>40 (n = 18) 15% 15% 2.9


There are two ways to increase the odds of pregnancy. One is to freeze extra pre – embryos, if available, and the other is to try again.

We Care partner Fertility centres, they have long been a leader in freezing embryos (cryopreservation). In patients who produce many healthy embryos, freezing these extra embryos can give another chance for pregnancy at a lower cost, thereby increasing cost – efficiency.

The other way to increase long – term chances of achieving a pregnancy is simply to try again. While the chance for success on a second or third try are no higher (orlower) than on a first try, simply repeating the effort over time leads to a higher chance overall. Table 3 lists total reproductive potential success rates (TRP). The TRP is an important indicator of success. It refers to the number of pregnancies obtained from only one stimulated cycle, as the result of a fresh embryo transfer cycle plus at least one additional cycle of transfer of cryopreserved – thawed embryos derived from that same stimulation. This process greatly reduces the costs for multiple transfer attempts. The Jones Institute consistently produces cryopreserved pregnancy rates among the highest in the world. As shown, IVF patients with good prognosis as well as recipients of donor eggs have a greater than 60% chance of pregnancy expressed as TRP.

Embryo cryopreservation yields multiple advantages to patients. It is important for physicians and patients to understand and comprehend the total reproductive potential per cycle based on this assessment of overall pregnancy rates. Obviously, programs with poor cryopreserved pregnancy rates, or no cryopreservation program, offer a lower TRP pregnancy rate. We encourage you to discuss this with your physicians.

Success Rate of Male Infertility Treatment by ART treatment   

Male factor infertility is present in up to 40% of infertile couples. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has become a “boom” in the treatment of men with sperm anomalies undergoing IVF. Table 5 presents results of ICSI compared to standard IVF during the period of 2000 through 2007. As shown, the utilization of ICSI in men with poor sperm parameters yields similar pregnancy results as those obtained with IVF in men with normal semen analysis.

Table 4 – Success Rates ICSI vs. IVF
(luteal Lupron protocol, age < = 38 years)

Fertilization Rate ( % ) 55-60% 60-65%
Pregnancy Rate/Transfer ( % ) 52% 55%
Implantation Rate ( % ) 45% 50%


We do the best efforts attaining a decent success rate of an ART procedure 

At We Care IVF Surrogacy, the IVF program scribes its success to a variety of factors including the experience and dedication of its physicians, individualized IVF protocols, laboratory conditions, techniques and advanced technologies. When it comes to IVF (In vitro Fertilization), the roles of the physicians appear distinctly different, yet equally important. Here, the IVF series falls exceptional because expertise and experience of experts-in-IVF treatments are acclaimed pleasant to have attained the best possible results for patients.

It is important to understand the philosophy with which the We Care IVF Surrogacy Fertility centres approaches the management and treatment of infertility. Here, our goal is to help couples achieve their dreams of having children. We Care partner Fertility centres do not pre-select patients; in other words, they do not exclude couples due to the presence of factors that may negatively impact their success rates. For example, one third of the female patients are “low responders (they are more than 37 years of age and / or have a day – 3 FSH greater than 10 mIU / ml (normal range is between 3 – 10 mIU / mL for the assay used in our laboratories). In addition, another third of our patients performed at least one failed IVF cycle elsewhere. These two factors are typically considered to compromise success; nonetheless, we have been able to achieve pregnancies in many of these cases. As a consequence, We Care partner Fertility centres offers all couples the possibility of enrollment and participation in an IVF attempt to have their own genetic children.

In addition, and up to a certain point, success rates in our program increase as the number of IVF stimulation attempts increases. There are several methods of calculating pregnancy rates. Here, we include our most recent results for IVF and donor egg cycles, our cryopreserved cycle pregnancy rates, and the so – called total reproductive potential success rates. The IVF rates include information on female age because a disproportionately high number of treated young females may result in higher than “normal” success rates. This is an important factor when comparing success rates from different treatment centers as fertility usually begins to decline in females aged mid to late thirties.

Closing Line – ART treatment Success rate

In short, there are some important factors that affect the success rate of ART treatment –

  • Age of the partners
  • The exact cause of infertility
  • facility
  • The treatment offered to the patient
  • If the egg is frozen or fresh

On an average, the percentage of ART cycles that headed to a healthy and fit baby are as follow –

  • 50-55% in ladies younger than 35
  • 47% in ladies matured 35-37
  • 2% in ladies matured 37-40
  • 0% in ladies matured 41-42

ART treatment can be costly and tedious if the treatment is advanced. ART treatment hasindorsed numerous couples to have own baby that in any case would not have been imagined. The most widely recognized and preferred ART treatment is IVF treatment and in any case the fertility issue could not be resolved by conventional IVF method then advanced IVF treatment is performed (such as IVF with donor egg/donor sperm/IMSI/PICSI/LAH etc.).

ART Treatment in India – Mother, father and a kid or kids – doesn’t it look like a perfect family frame? Yes, mother has the most beautiful and precious gift of life –ability to conceive. Creating a life – a baby- is not at all easy; it actually needs proper planning, a suitable age where the couple is ready for this responsibility and other things that must be focussed by the husband and wife.

Sometimes the individual becomes ineffective or less fertile (due to certain cause) to have a child by own, at this time the couple either needs a basic fertility medication or else Assisted Reproductive Treatment in India.

What is Assisted Reproductive Treatment in India? Assisted reproduction refers to a number of advanced techniques that aid fertilization. This treatment is productive for both – men and women. ART consists of several fertility treatments such as IVF treatment, Donor egg, Donor sperm, Donor embryo, Laser Assisted Hatching, PGD technique, IMSI, ICSI and so on. These techniques are often used for women who have irreversible damage to their fallopian tubes or cervical mucus problems. It can also benefit couples with unexplained infertility.

Males who have either less sperm motility or less sperm count need to go for IVF with ICSI/ IMSI or PICSI; rare males are found who have barely sperm count in their ejaculation (No sperm count), for such men, the sperms are retrieved by surgical way.

Let’s read more about the ART Treatment in India –

Most Preferred ART Treatment in India

  • What is IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)?
  • What is GIFT (Gamete Intrafallopian Tube Transfer)?
  • What is ZIFT (Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer)?
  • What is ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Insertion)?
  • What is FASIAR (Follicle Aspiration, Sperm Injection, and Assisted Follicular Rupture)?

IVF – The most preferred ART Treatment in India 

IVF is the most well known of assisted reproduction techniques. In this method, the woman takes fertility drugs to stimulate her ovaries to produce more eggs. These medication and hormonal injection stimulates the woman’s ovary and that results multiple eggs for the egg-pick up.

The physician then retrieves one or more of the eggs by laparoscopy or by passing a needle through the vaginal wall. The partner’s sperm is then mixed with the eggs in a Petri dish, and fertilization may take place.

If fertilization occurs, the embryo is allowed to develop outside the womb for a few days. Then it is implanted in the lining of the woman’s uterus with a small plastic tube. Most centres now place two to four embryos in the womb in the hope that one will burrow into the lining and begin to develop normally. Any leftover embryos are frozen to be used later, should the first IVF procedure fail to work. IVF increases the risk of multiple births. We Care IVF Surrogacy is the leading fertility platform giving the best solution to the couples who are unable to get pregnant and seeking the best consultation with the experienced and skilled fertility specialist.

In a variation of IVF called ovum transfer, a donor egg is fertilized with the partner’s sperm and then placed in the woman’s uterus. This technique is often used when the woman has not been able to produce eggs, even with fertility drugs. IVF is the most common and efficacious ART Treatment in India providing the hope to the childless couple.

The effectiveness of IVF has improved in the past few years but the chance of pregnancy is still only 40 to 60 percent.

What Is GIFT (Gamete Intrafallopian Tube Transfer)?

In this method of ART Treatment in India, the woman’s eggs are retrieved but not fertilized. Instead, they are mixed with the man’s sperm and immediately placed into the woman’s fallopian tubes. The woman must have healthy tubes for GIFT to work.

GIFT would be the better option for those women who have healthy tubes. If you are seeking for GIFT then you really have to speak with your specialist (whether this treatment is productive for your case or not) for its success results.

What Is ZIFT (Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer)?

ZIFT involves placing the fertilized egg itself into the fallopian tubes. This procedure can be more successful than GIFT because the doctor has a greater chance of ensuring that the egg is fertilized. Again, the woman must have healthy tubes for ZIFT.

What Is ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Insertion)?

In this technique, a single sperm is injected into the egg, and the embryo is placed in the fallopian tubes or uterus. This method is often recommended when the male partner has very few sperm or other fertilization methods are not suitable for the couple.

ICSI is the male fertility treatment of ART Treatment in India and the most effective one at the same time. ICSI always follow the process of IVF. ICSI is basically a fertilization technique that enhances the fertilization and improves the result of success rate of the treatment.

ICS I treatment is the treatment which is used by those males who have less sperm count, less motility of the sperm thus unable to impregnate own partner.

ICSI also has advanced procedure such as IMSI and PICSI. IMSI and PICSI also used to resolve male infertility issue. IMSI and PICSI both follow different step of fertilization (choosing the sperm by different way).

Further More Methods of ART Treatment in India

PGD Technique –

Talking about fertility methods there are more procedures in ART Treatment in India such as PGD, LAH, TESA, MESA, etc, are recommended when the patient needs this procedure along with IVF. During PGD technique, embryos are produced through the procedure of IVF along with ICSI (if needed) and afterward a couple of cells are expelled from the embryos that have been created by IVF and are screened for a hereditary condition. Embryos unaffected by a specific hereditary condition may then be chosen for move to the lady’s uterus and embryos which are found to be affected (chromosomally/genetic disorder) are cleared out in the lab.

What Is FASIAR (Follicle Aspiration, Sperm Injection, and Assisted Follicular Rupture)?

In a new method known as FASIAR, the physician punctures the follicle, and then removes the eggs with a syringe that also holds the sperm. This mixture is then immediately injected back into the follicle. FASIAR may reduce the risk of multiple births and is less expensive than other procedures.

Why We Care IVF Surrogacy for ART Treatment India?

  • Free consultation
  • Most-affordable price
  • Best Success rates
  • Total transparency
  • Complete service, including visa and passport assistance
  • Personal experience
  • Ethical approach

Centres of ART Treatment in India by We Care IVF Surrogacy perform all type of fertility treatment (basic and advanced including surrogacy). So the bottom line is this that ART Treatment in India is the only way to have a baby of your own especially when you are unable to attain pregnancy by natural way.

For more information about the ART Treatment in India, the support team of We Care is always there for your answer!

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With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.

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Disclaimer: Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India. No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

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