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IVF – an advanced treatment of Assisted Reproductive Technique, in which a man’s sperm and a woman’s eggs are combined in the petri dish inside the fertility lab resulting embryo. If we talk about the procedure of IVF, then the steps are simple and straightforward. However, IVF requires a systematic process to be followed. The very first step of IVF is giving the fertility medication and hormonal injections to the female recipient to obtain matured eggs at the time of egg collection. The entire success story depends on the quality of eggs and sperms or says the medical component of the infertile couple. IVF treatment is preferred by many couples who are unable to achieve a natural pregnancy.

Do you know how many babies have been born through IVF treatment till now? Based on the statistics, approx 6 million babies are born worldwide since 1978 with the help of IVF treatment.

Let’s come on the main point – does IVF come up with the major complication? As such, there is not any severe complication related to IVF treatment, but there are some of the minor side-effects which have been experienced by some patients. As with all the medical treatment, therapy, and procedure, however, there is jeopardy and risks connected to it. This piece of document informs you about the most common Risk factors in the procedure of In-Vitro Fertilization.

What kind of risks involved with the IVF medication?

There’s been a lot of speculation about how IVF might affect on child’s development. IVF is one of many types of assisted reproductive technologies. It involves retrieving Eggs and Sperm and fertilizing them In-Vitro. Researchers found risk only with procedures that involve surgical sperm retrieval, a treatment for male infertility and female infertility.

During the IVF Treatment, it is fertility medication and hormonal injection that (rare case) develops hyperstimulated ovary. In IVF might increase the risk of Developmental Disorder and Autism because there are so many types of procedure. Multiple numbers of birth carry the risk of Autism. So we also want to identify children who might be at increased risk of developing Autism or not. After IVF treatment, most of the Women evaluated the possible risk factors for Ectopic Pregnancy. It has been analysed that IVF treatment in recent years has been increased in the Multiple Pregnancy rates.

We Care IVF Surrogacy is one of the pioneers providing the top-notch fertility treatments along with the highest success rate.  Not just this, the organization has wide-reaching connectivity with the best fertility centres that provide the highest success rate. As of now, numerous couples have been treated successfully by the team of We Care.

One of the patients from We Care wants to share her experience of IVF treatment with us –

When I take the procedure of IVF so after some time, we face some complications. We discussed with the Doctor, and he said that it carries significant risks to both the Mother. Medical complications through the Pregnancy are increased, and it also increased the High-Blood Pressure. We are very scared due to these complications and can’t make the right decision for continuing IVF Treatment or not. Because in the case of twin pregnancy, there is a significantly higher incidence of premature birth.

The doctor also told that the risk of Breast Cancer increased in some cases. It is most common, occurring in 4 in 14 American Women. Various factors and Diseases make Breast Cancer more likely, and it is more common in Infertile Women. I am also studying in Newspaper Breast Cancer in Mother or Sister increases the Risk. But there is no screening method for Breast Cancer.

But my High-Risk Pregnancy was certainly a challenge because I don’t have reason to Discontinuing of IVF. I have a willingness to make sacrifices for the sake of Healthy Baby. It is tough for me, but I want to make this possible. In all this, my Family gives full support. They provide me Healthy Environment, best care, proper rest, Healthy Food Items in every hour and so on. Within 15 days, I had done regular checkup. Take medicines on time and most important I take meditation classes for the stability of mind this helps in to reducing the Stress and am also doing daily morning walks.

Now, the period of my Pregnancy is completed. I give birth to a Baby Girl, and my Delivery is Normal. After all the problems now I have a Beautiful Healthy Baby Girl, and I have my Health as well. But because of my experience, I connect to a people on a much deeper level.

Possible Side-effects of IVF fertility medication

During the treatment, to stimulate the female’s ovaries, the fertility specialists provide hormonal injection and fertility medications. This medication is a part of the IVF procedure and has to be accomplished carefully so that the next step can be taken.

Some common side-effects of this injectable fertility medication include –

  • Nausea, uneasiness
  • Occasionally vomiting
  • Breast tenderness
  • Mood swings of the recipient
  • OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation syndrome)
  • A female may experience increased vaginal discharge
  • Momentary allergic reaction (skin reddening or itching nearby the area of injection)

When a female experiences mild OHSS, then there would be the possibility of minor trouble such as nausea, ovarian discomfort. If a female goes through with these hiccups, then no worries, as these are prevalent symptoms of fertility medication. However, if you encounter dehydration, trouble in breathing, and acute pain in abdominal, then it might cause severe OHSS. During this case, the woman must go to the clinic’s expert. Women who face an issue of severe OHSS are scarce.

Sometimes, a woman avoid the pain, neither discuss with the expert (don’t hide anything from your doctor) that can become the case complicated, so it is better to collect all the information before the beginning of fertility medication.

Is there any risk associated with the egg retrieval & ET procedure?

Women, when undergoes follicle-aspiration or egg-retrieval procedure, the expert uses a hollow-needle for the eggs to be pulled-out. Vaginal ultrasound guides the expert to allow the needle into the ovary. After the collection of eggs from the recipient’s ovary, a female can go back home (within 2-3 hours, once she feels fine).

  • During this minor surgical process, the patient might experience mild to moderate abdominal pain. However, you need not be concerned with this pain as this pain disappears within a few days (two or three days)
  • Rare injury to the organ located close to the ovaries
  • Pelvic infection

Once the eggs get fertilized with the sperm, on the second or third day, the expert places the embryo into the recipient’s womb (uterus) with the help of a catheter. A catheter containing the embryo is gently transferred into the woman’s uterus by the senior IVF specialist. A woman may feel a bit cramp at the time of placing the embryo into her womb. She may have slight bleeding after this procedure. In an infrequent case, a woman gets infection afterwards ET (embryo transfer) and is treated with antibiotics.

That’s all about the side-effects or complications and Risk factors in the procedure of In-Vitro Fertilization which can come up as trouble during the treatment. Mild pain, cramp is the common factors experienced by the patient, but if you think that the pain and uneasiness are going agonising and surplus, then you must rush to the IVF centre and get treated as soon as possible.


Latest study has depicted that increasing numbers of educated women and professionals in South Africa in an emerging counts opting to complete their family later in life. There could be various reasons behind this delayed childbirth- it may be of their career advancement, other priorities, a gap of marriage, while others are not sure whether they want to have baby or not. And when they plan to get conceive (without using any precautions), they got jammed in – Inability to hold pregnancy, in a general term it is known as – Infertility.

For those who want to get pregnant by natural method later in life or once their fertility phase drops, the couple may face serious challenges all through the journey of their pregnancy.

The reality is that a female has been born with all the eggs (approximate 2 million) and once she reaches puberty, she is left with about 500,000 eggs. Every year, the number of eggs; at a certain phase (at her 30’s) egg quality also trails off, descending of the egg quality speeds up at 35 and so on.

So, yes! The cold hard truth is that a female’s eggs have an expiry date and once this running date slips, it becomes difficult to attain pregnancy by own eggs.

What Do You Require If You Face With Hard Time in Getting Pregnant?

South Africa is one of the emerging place for infertility treatments and experienced fertility veterans, who have years of practice in the domain of infertility treatments. Okay! So here we introduce you the most effective treatment to get to the bottom of infertility issue and to have own baby in your lap soon- IVF Treatment.

IVF is the best ART technique that works well to get rid of infertility tag from the most awful phase of couple’s pregnancy days. IVF Treatment Cost in South Africa is also based on a nominal package, thus it has opened the door for several needy people who can plan for IVF in South Africa.

While fulfilling a dream of having own baby via ART technique is priceless, there are different structure of IVF Cost in South Africa that involve in receiving this miraculous life-changing fertility treatment, which has helped n number of couples to enjoy their parenthood days across the world.

The Cost of IVF in South Africa varies from one couple to another for various reasons.  Since there are several variables that influence or affect the IVF treatment and associate structure of IVF Cost in South Africa, the sum amount of IVF in South Africa varies greatly. It is essential to understand that IVF is not a single step procedure, but rather it is a series of a long chain to accomplish a single cycle. Different techniques, advance equipments, scientific and pathology staff, nursing, fertility lab charge – these are all fundamental services that take place in a single attempt of IVF.

Let’s have a keen eye on those treatment plans that affect IVF Cost in South Africa; going through with below details, you will surely have more realistic view of why IVF Treatment Cost in South Africa shows a discrepancy.

Factors that affect IVF COST IN SOUTH AFRICA

Each patient is unique in his or her own way on the ground of fertility case. Depending on patient’s requirement, testing and treatment plans are performed by the experts.

We Care IVF Surrogacy is one of the renowned fertility centres that come up with the best ART treatment and world-class veterans. At We Care IVF Surrogacy, experts work diligently to find the exact cause of infertility in man or woman and accordingly that, a suitable treatment is recommended to the couple via which they can have their own baby.

There are number of reasons why IVF Cost in South Africa fluctuates; out of them some are:-

  1. The number of IVF attempts
  2. Clinic’s Success rate and delivery Counts
  3. IVF with other Advance Technique

Many people get their IVF accomplished at first cycle only, while some gets trouble in achieving success for the first time and get victory in their second IVF attempt, so it happens, IVF never ever gives a couple guarantee to achieve pregnancy and that’s why IVF is done multiple time to get positive pregnancy test. If a couple has undergone three time of their IVF, then they should consider some other treatment of Art methodology.

At We Care IVF Surrogacy centre, we are proud of IVF success rate and pregnancy rates of approximate 62-65%, well above the decent success rates in South Africa. There are several cases of first failed IVF cycle bur for them, we give concession for the second IVF attempt and diligently try to achieve success at second time of couple’s IVF.

Clinic’s success rate also is one of the important points that affect IVF Cost in South Africa. There is huge competition in the market of fertility industry; what some centres do, they attract the couple by showing them cheapest cost or half of the Cost of IVF in South Africa and thus fooling them to undergo IVF from them- Please Be Aware of such clinics that promises you for lesser IVF treatment cost, they may charge additional from the couple during their treatment or they are with a poor success rate/ delivery counts. Cross check the fertility clinic before giving the total cost of IVF treatment.

You must be wondering about the third point; the third factor introduces you a couple of things about IVF treatment cost in South Africa. IVF is that treatment, which is applied with different ART techniques on the basis of couple’s infertility case and this determine the cost of IVF in South Africa.

Let’s have a look on basic IVF treatment Cost in South Africa and those treatment plans that influences IVF Cost in South Africa.


Initial consultation can cost about R 1,000 – R 2,000, where you and your partner have to come the clinic; a comprehensive details in depth will be asked by the senior specialist from you. This consultation will go for 1 hour or so, the expert will:

  • Ask for a detailed History
  • A physical exam (if needed)
  • Ask for the test you may have had previously
  • Assess sperm quality and sperm appearance
  • Assessment of uterine health
  • AMH level of female

A couple during this consultation is free to ask any question related to their fertility case and infertility treatment. At the end, after analyzing couple’s case, the expert will tell you the most appropriate IVF treatment that goes best for you.

The cost of initial consultation ranges between R1000-R2000 (including all the ultrasounds, cost of investigations and tests).

During basic IVF treatment, a couple is involved at each step. This IVF is perfect for those couples, who are under their 35 age and produces fit and fine eggs and sperms for fertilization. Female’s egg must be fertile and healthy in order to achieve fertilization. The embryo is created by combining the eggs and sperms in a nutrient dish and letting them leave for a day. Next day the fertility experts see the sign of fertilization. Once fertilization is done, healthy embryo is chosen for embryo transfer. Within 10-12 days, pregnancy test is performed.

The Cost of IVF in South Africa by using self egg and own sperm is R 45,000 – R 50,000. This is a single IVF attempt of basic IVF treatment. During this package,

  • Fertility Medication
  • Hormonal Injection
  • Blood Work
  • Ultrasounds
  • Each meet up with senior specialist      R45,000 – R50,000
  • Fertility lab Charge
  • Follicular Aspiration
  • Fertilization procedure
  • Embryo transfer

These steps are entailed in a single attempt of IVF Cost in South Africa.

Charges in Rand
IVF Treatment Cost in Africa with self eggs and self sperms(all the medication and procedure of IVF included)R 45,000 – R 50,000
Advance IVF Cost in South AfricaDifferent technique of ART is applied with IVF on the root of couple’s infertility case. For an instance, take an example of a woman, who is at regular in her ovulation phase but unable to lay healthy egg at the time of ovulation, this time even IVF with self egg may have no result due to the poor quality of egg. At this case, IVF with Donor egg is performed to accomplish fertilization during IVF method. This influences IVF Cost in South Africa, resultant the couple needs to pay extra charge apart of IVF treatment cost. Treatments that affect IVF Cost in South Africa are

  • IVF treatment with Donor Egg
  • IVF Treatment with Donor sperm
  • IVF with Donor Embryo

IVF treatment, sometimes applied with the advance equipment’s or tools that undeniably show an effective result; some of these t ultra-modern method are

  • IVF with LAH (laser assisted hatching)
  • IVF with PGD / PGS
  • IVF with IMSI / ICSI
  • IVF with PICSI

IVF with Surgical Methods (for male infertility)

  • IVF treatment with MESA
  • IVF treatment with TESA
  • IVF treatment with PESA

True! These are all those variables that affect the Cost of IVF in South Africa. Let’s read the cost structure of these treatments/ techniques with IVF below in a table

IVF Treatment Cost in South Africa (R)
IVF treatment with Donor EggR 70,000- R75,000
IVF treatment with Donor SpermR 52,000
Cost of Donor eggR 25,000- R 30,000
Cost of Donor spermR 7,000
IVF Cost with LAHR 43,000 – R 45,000
IVF with donor embryoR 75,000- R 80,000
IVF with IMSIR 50,000
IVF Treatment with ICSIR 46,000

Do Your Research

IVF Cost in South Africa also varies considerably between the fertility specialists and clinics, as each of them has their own Cost structure of IVF. Several clinics have a package of IVF Cost in South Africa, while others may or may not be. We Care IVF Surrogacy comes up with each and every medication throughout the journey of IVF, there is not any additional or surprised cost of IVF, all the medication is included in IVF Cost in South Africa.Before finalizing any centre, make sure you research well. Ask your fertility expert to elaborate the cost of different techniques and when the amount has to be paid. A written quote for a transparent IVF treatment will ease you to understand a full view of IVF Cost in South Africa. Make sure to choose appropriate fertility clinic and also the experienced fertility specialist in order to have the best prospect for higher than normal success rate. Opt for genuine and authentic centre to enjoy your best days of parenthood.

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About We Care

With over 10 years experience and over 10,000+ successful live births through IVF, we are dedicated to hand out best fertility treatment and personalized nursing to accomplish couple’s parenthood soon.

Call us +91 9899293903

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26/18, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi


Kathmandu 44600, Nepal


19 A Dniprovska Kiev 02081, Ukraine


Tbilisi, Capital of Georgia

Disclaimer: Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India. No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

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