PESA Treatment for Azoospermia in India for Male Infertility


Here you have landed on the correct page! Whatever information you are finding associated to the PESA treatment, you are going to collect all the essential detail throughout this page. Management of obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia by PESA Treatment in India with ICSI technique is not that complex and troublesome. Let’s learn more about the procedure and the steps of Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA) along with the ICSI technique.

The injection of a single sperm directly into the center of an egg (ICSI) has now become the treatment choice for couples with a severe male factor. Pregnancy is prevented because poor sperm lack the progressive motility required to break through the outer membrane of the egg (zona pellucida) to achieve fertilization. We Care’s partner fertility centres have performed over 4000 ICSI procedures. Only 7% of patients fail to achieve fertilization. The first babies were born in 1994, and since then many healthy babies have followed.

The same technology (ICSI) may be used with sperm recovered from those with an irreversible obstruction to the outflow of sperm from the testis, for example men who have no sperm in the ejaculate (azoospermia). Nowadays, this is most frequently due to a failed vasectomy reversal. Other irreversible obstructions include patients with an absent vas, or from previous severe infection. And to treat this issue, our specialist retrieves the sperm by surgical process from the male reproductive organ and injects the most active sperm inside the egg (retrieved via IVF method) for fertilization. This is the most advanced technique till today’s date to get rid of severe male fertility issue. PESA Treatment in India is the best way to solve male infertility issue (when there is hardly any sperm present in the ejaculation).

Description of PESA Treatment in India

PESA Treatment in India is an outpatient basis procedure, where the patient after the surgical step, can go home (keeping some instructions and guidelines in the mind). PESA is performed under short general anesthesia. This is a surgical procedure, where the specialist inserts the needle and syringe technique to obtain a sample or needle biopsy. Needle is directly inserted into the epididymis.

PESA Treatment in India is the best way to say good-bye from your hard days of impotency.

Benefit of choosing PESA Treatment in India

Many couples now request vasectomy reversal in the hope of having a child when there are altered personal circumstances. However, in only approximately 50% do sperm return following reconstructive surgery and, even in some of these, pregnancy may not result because of the presence of sperm antibodies. The testis does not usually stop producing sperm which become “pent-up” in the epididymis, located on the side of the testis, leading to the vas. However, there may be a relationship between the interval of time since the vasectomy and subsequent pregnancy prospects as a lower success may occur if the vasectomy was performed eight or more years previously.

Until recently there were only a few ways for men with irreversible obstructions to become biological fathers. One way is for the man to undergo a surgical operation on the scrotum using a magnifying microscope to allow for retrieval of sperm from the epididymal tubules located in the collecting epididymis adjacent to the testis – this procedure is known as Surgical Sperm Retrieval procedure. And the other is for the couple to use donor sperm.

Donor sperm is also the best way to have a kid, but that makes a difference with genetic because here the male won’t be biological father of the newborn; on the other hand, during Surgical Sperm Retrieval, the sperms have been taken out from the male’s reproductive organ and hence he will be a biological father of the kid after the delivery.

The choice all depends upon the couple’s desire, whether to go for SSR – PESA Treatment in India or to have a baby choosing donor sperm with IVF technique.

Embryo Transfer during the PESA Treatment in India

If available, a maximum of two embryos (for women under the age of 40) or three embryos (for women aged 40 or over), will be transferred into the uterine cavity. These may be derived from:

  • ICSI
  • IVF when the treatment variation has been used and the eggs split into two groups. There is now a large cohort of babies resulting from recovery of sperm from PESA Treatment in India.

The factors influencing the outcome of treatment the embryos derived following ICSI will be transferred in preference to the conventional IVF ones, leaving the IVF embryos for freezing. This is because micro-injected embryos do not freeze as well as ones fertilized by conventional IVF. The management of patients after embryo transfer will be the same as our normal IVF procedure.

Something more about PESA Treatment India – (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration)

PESA Treatment in India has many advantages and is much more acceptable to patients who usually return to work the next day and who generally have no anxiety about its repetition if this is required. If sperm cannot be found in the epididymis we then proceed to a Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA). The surgical technique is very similar – the needle is simply inserted into the testis itself.

Using ICSI with PESA Treatment in India includes:

  • Experienced and proficient fertility doctors
  • The number of mature eggs available for micro-injection.
  • The number of embryos transferred.

Treatment with IVF/ICSI/PESA carries a success rate of around 45%-55% per treatment cycle. This has been a tremendous advance for men with both obstructive and non-obstructive oligospermia. Prior to the development of these techniques very little help was available for men with such problem.

In summary PESA Treatment in India is value for:

  • Those men who lack vas deferens
  • Man with failed vasectomy reversal
  • Men with other irreversible obstructions of the genital tract
  • Men with primary testicular problems with deficient spermatogenesis.

Why Choose We Care IVF Surrogacy for MESA Treatment in India?

We are one of the leading fertility platforms, where one can find the most suitable fertility treatment and best assistance in the way to attain parenthood. We Care IVF Surrogacy is the most considerable name in the domain of infertility treatment.

The team of We Care IVF Surrogacy consists of the lab technicians, nurses, fertility coordinator, senior coordinator, embryologists, junior IVF expert, and senior IVF specialist. The centres of we care are all based on modern infra and proper hygiene. Not just this, we are best in giving the best PESA Treatment in India along with a decent success rate.

If you have more question/any doubt about PESA Treatment in India, then you can directly call us or fill the query form. Our coordinator will soon contact you with the best solution!

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Disclaimer: Under the pre-Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, prenatal sex determination is banned in India. No test or treatment for sex selection, sex determination, gender selection, gender determination is done in India.

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